Sunday, February 16, 2020

DKNY Advertising Rhetorical Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

DKNY Advertising Rhetorical Analysis - Essay Example Because women, just like everyone else, have one chance to make a first impression, cosmetics are indispensible to their lives. The strategy that a company adopts to publicize and market its products determines how much of an advantage a company can make from this fact. The success of an advertisement, in turn, depends, on the ability of a company, to make a strong first impression on the consumer-to produce a â€Å"wow† effect-and, obviously, it only has the chance to do it. Advertising is, therefore, a high stake game with the success or failure of a commercial being an issue of life and death for a product. The advertisement above is that of a perfume manufactured by DONNA KARAN NEW YORK, also referred to as DKNY. What catches the consumer’s eyes first is the exotic woman who is also young and beautiful with a confident expression that seems to looks right into the camera (Faigley and Selzer87). The non-verbal expression conveys a message, which is not very hard to d ecipher, this is qualified by the caption right below; it translates the expression for the consumer-BE DELICIOUS. It may be noted that the location of the caption is to the right center of the advertisement, rather than to the advertisement’s bottom or corner. This caption, in its block letters and bright color, is just as striking as the young woman is. It is one of the first elements of the advertisement, which catch the consumer’s eye. The caption and the image make up most of advertisement and are so striking that everything else, including the background, becomes irrelevant.. The caption-BE DELICIOUS- is not a phrase or a clause, but it is a sentence. The caption is an imperative sentence. The subject of these sentences is quite clear without being explicit and it seems to command subtly the consumer to try it. The advertisement’s exhortation is for the woman to be delicious with the temptation to try the product being hard to resist. If the viewer is a wo man, it gives the user an â€Å"x-factor† that can make them more attractive. On the other hand, when viewed by a man, the advertisement challenges the man to discover what women want, and when this challenge is from a woman, it makes it all the more irresistible. In addition, the look of the young woman, as well as her body language, seems to carry conviction, whether the viewer will trust the product or censor if they do not. The impact of eye contact on the viewer cannot be overestimated, evoking a feeling of self-esteem and self-confidence. How popular a product will become is also aided by how popular an advertisement is. For this reason, a lot of care must be observed when selecting and structuring of the images in the advertisement (Faigley and Selzer226). The measure on how effective the images used in the advertisement are is whether the viewer will take a pause after reading the magazine, newspaper, or driving, past the billboard, to come back to the advertisement a fter seeing it the first time. The overall outcome of the words, pictures, and colors on the consumer or viewer is durable. The image remains in one’ mind for a while; the caption is immediately recognizable and memorable. The colors are also bright green, which contrasts with the flawless tan of the young woman, which makes her skin, and the advertisement, all the more memorable. Advertisements must, not

Sunday, February 2, 2020

How influential is the United Nation to protect and implement the Dissertation

How influential is the United Nation to protect and implement the death penalty in regards to human rights - Dissertation Example Moreover, the nations aimed to achieve better standards of living, human rights and social progress. The UN has a unique international nature and it can intervene in a wide range of issues. It also provides a forum for its Member States to voice their opinion. This is facilitated by the General Assembly, the Security Council, and the other committees and bodies.1 Moreover, the influence of the UN is felt all over the world. The UN performs humanitarian assistance, conflict prevention, peacekeeping and peacebuilding. In addition, the UN and its system affect the world and tend to improve it. A large number of issues are dealt with by the UN. Some of these include, environment and refugee protection, sustainable development, disaster relief, counter terrorism, gender equality, human rights, governance, improving food production and the promotion of democracy. 2 In addition, the international human rights and humanitarian law clearly prohibit torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading trea tment or punishment. This prohibition applies to all the states and is independent of their treaty obligations. Several of the international and regional treaties have clearly included this prohibition. The regional systems and the UN have declared that some features of the death penalty cannot be permitted. These aspects have been considered to be cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment. 3 Some examples are the manner in which death row inmates are kept in their cells; the torment of being under the never ending threat of execution; and the confidential nature of the imposition of the death penalty. These factors have a tremendous effect upon the condemned person and his family. As a result, the UN Human Rights Committee addressed the states with the death penalty. It asked them to improve the conditions of detention of the individuals on death row.4 Such improvements had to comply with the requirements specified in the International Convention on Civil and Political R ights (ICCPR). Furthermore, the UN Human Rights Committee had declared unwarranted delay in informing a convicted person of a stay in execution, as an instance of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment. Moreover, the UN Human Rights Committee has made a recommendation. This suggests that the condemned and their families are to be informed reasonably and sufficiently in advance regarding the date and time of the execution.5 Such advance notice, would provide them with sufficient time to prepare for the occurrence. In this regard, the important organs of the United Nations and their functions are described below. Functioning of the UN The principal bodies of the UN are the General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council, Trusteeship Council, International Court of Justice and Secretariat. Among these the Security Council is responsible for international peace and security. Consequently, the Security Council may conduct a meeting, whenever a threat to international peac e and security is perceived.6 These six bodies do not have the same