Tuesday, August 25, 2020

NYPDs Stop & Frisk Practices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

NYPDs Stop and Frisk Practices - Essay Example Taking action against crooks while they wouldn't dare hoping anymore lower crime percentages. Stop and search system help decrease the measure of stash or weapons hauled around by speculate hoodlums (Lamberth, 2011). Since suspect lawbreakers realize they hazard getting searched and looked, they decide not to convey any implicating material on them. This adds to build security around the New York environs. A reduction in the quantity of weapons, drugs or other criminal stash helps with controling illicit endeavors in the New York state environ. The stop and search strategy likewise helps with keeping up official wellbeing. Officials can keep an eye on their wellbeing by gambling people whom they think to be perilous. The stop and search strategy accord officials the option to search and search somebody who represent a hazard to their security. On the off chance that an official gets the chance to stop and search an individual and finds a weapon, at that point the official may have ensured their life (Lamberth, 2011). On the off chance that the weapon was to be utilized on the official, it would place their life in

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Mexico Democracy

Vote based system requires a few components to succeed and develop. The pioneers of a majority rule government must regard the limits they are given. Opportunity of the press is a basic component of present day majority rule government. Individuals must be eager to partake and bolster the arrangement of government. Classes may exist in a majority rule government, yet ought not be seen as a weakness to interest in a vote based system. Social and ethnic attachment will bolster a ‘group think’ toward arrangement and goals. Mexico during its history came up short on a few of the components for a fruitful democracy.Mexican autonomy was at first a continuation of Spanish imperialism. The administration couldn't see a path forward without proceeding with arrangement. Each new country makes some rough memories changing over from government to vote based system, yet Mexico confronted a troublesome social change. The Catholic Church had a severe chain of command that additionally saturated the way of life of Mexico and the indigenous individuals didn't have a reasonable voice in the new government. The wars with France, the US and Texas didn't help settle another majority rules system and prompted disappointment and a non-firm government.Democracy couldn't develop in this condition and prompted further disappointment with the ‘democracy’ in Mexico. This took into account a significant stretch of tyranny under Porfirio Diaz. Mexico was an agrarian culture at that point and the absence of instruction drove itself to an autocracy. In spite of the fact that Diaz carried science and industry to Mexico, he didn't permit majority rule government to prosper under this achievement. Diaz was increasingly worried about keeping brought together intensity of the nation and didn't permit mass cooperation in government. Any difference was hushed. The press was not free and was utilized by the administration to reinforce the Diaz government.Without opportunity of the press and incorporated force Mexico couldn't increase genuine popular government. A free press permits residents the capacity to scrutinize and size up their administration. Mexico didn't have this capacity under Diaz. The development of the Haciendados kept on keeping majority rule government under control. With an uneducated and country populace, it is hard to carry the goals of majority rule government to the majority. One of the components of a fruitful vote based system is an educated democratic square. Class seperation, instruction and the disappointment of residents kept on keeping majority rules system at bay.Following the transformation of 1910, the pioneers of the upheaval couldn't accumulate a profitable government. The beliefs of upheaval were hard to administer; consequently the administration returned to learned conduct of the past tyranny. The social gap between indigenous clans, Crillios and Spaniards was a further inconvenience to equity under the law in Mexi co. The mechanical upheaval had just begun tapping Mexican assets for creation in the US and different nations. Defilement was proceeded and permitted to prosper to keep insubordinate components of the nation under control.A vote based system can't push ahead with an administration that permits debasement. Fuentes talks about the issues with a solid feeling of national attachment or â€Å"mexicaness. † A majority rules system requires a feeling of solidarity as a people. One of the most well known lines from American majority rules system is â€Å"a legislature of the individuals, by the individuals, for the individuals. † Mexico doesn't have an administration that they find in these terms. The proceeded with battle to pick up land rights and equity in the Mexican framework doesn't permit the populace to feel their very own piece nation and government.The late twentieth Century took into account further monetary development, however legislative approach didn't take int o consideration the social structure to proceed with a developing vote based system. Defilement has kept on plagueing Mexican legislative issues driving residents to doubt races. The detest decisions in Mexico have been as generally censured as the appointment of the early piece of the century. Mexico keeps on having an exacting class framework, uneducated indigenous individuals and social partition. Majority rule government will keep on attempting to develop in a rough domain until Mexico constructs the social structure to help an informed society with further union as a people.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Do you remember your 2014 New Years resolutions

Do you remember your 2014 New Year’s resolutions I honestly had forgotten all but two of mine, and only looked at them today because I knew it was time to write my New Year’s “Ressaylutions” update. In January I promised to report both my wins and my fails for the year in August. Oops. It’s September. That’s my first fail. I completely forgot about my promise to do an August update! I’m a couple of weeks late, but I’m keeping honest â€" even though I feel a bit scared to do so since I am not on track to meet some of my goals. My invitation to you is to do an honest assessment of where you are in achieving your New Year’s goals. The first step is to remember what they were! Then evaluate your progress. 2014 “Ressaylutions” and Current Status: Increase college essay / personal statement portion of my business to 25% of business. I took action on this goal but have not reached the goal (so far this year I’m at 5%; projected 10% by end of year). Actions taken: Gave interviews for an article in the Catholic Herald and another one in The Educated Mom blog. Advertised a summer program for rising high school seniors to work on college essays, but received no inquiries. Will be speaking at the NRWA Conference this week about how to write a standout college essay. I’m letting more resume writers know about my services so they know they can refer clients to me if they do not do personal statement coaching themselves. Roll out a new “responsive” (mobile-friendly) website. This project has been delayed numerous times despite starting work on a new website in December 2013. I just transitioned to a new company and I’m hoping to have a new website by the end of the year! Choose a CRM and project management system. I decided to implement Infusionsoft and I am working with an Infusionsoft expert to do it. We are plugging away and the plan is to launch the new website and the Infusionsoft functionality all at the same time. I look forward to having things run seamlessly by Q1 2015! Serve 250 clients. Last year The Essay Expert worked with 200 clients to find new jobs, get into school, and achieve business results. Total clients this year is 119. I am not on track to reach my goal. I will be looking at my lead generations strategies and expect that my new website and Infusionsoft implementation will support The Essay Expert’s expansion to a wider client base. Generate 214 success stories. I have not met this goal (we’re at 45) and will need to step up my follow-up efforts with clients to increase this number! As you can see, I am likely not going to fulfill all my Ressaylutions for 2014. However I can still use them to motivate myself to action â€" and I will! When I make my 2015 resolutions, I will be taking a hard look at both my successes and failures from 2014, as well as my priorities for the coming year. I hope you will too. What were your New Year’s Resolutions and have you held yourself accountable? Please share!

Friday, May 22, 2020

Case 8 the Accra Beach Hotel Block Booking of Capacity...

Case 8 The Accra Beach Hotel: Block Booking of Capacity during a Peak Period Question 1 What factors lead to variations in demand for rooms at a hotel such as the Accra Beach? Answer: There are 3 factors that will lead to variations in demand for rooms at a hotel, which are seasonal cycle, economic cycle and days of the week. Seasonal cycle - Hotel such as Accra Beach will depends highly on seasonal cycle, hotel will be in low demand on September (64.7%) as it is in peak hurricane season. High demand on January through March (87% to 92%), when Caribbean is in nice weather and people need to get away from the horrid season in North America and Northern Europe. Economic cycle - Business travelers, which are one of the main†¦show more content†¦This will lead the hotel succeeding in filling up all available capacity, which is impossible for single segment. Moreover, serving several segments also bring profits to the hotel. However, there will also be several considerations that will take place in serving several segments. As different segments are on different purposes, they will have different needs, behaviors and expectations. For example, vacationers will tend to dress casually and are having relaxed time. However, business people will tend to dress formally and will always use their mobile phones and laptops in vacation environment. Hostile glances from different segments can lead to a stressful atmosphere. In regards to expenses, serving several segments will have higher administrative expenses, as different approach and promotion may be required for each segments. Planning, implementing and controlling multiple marketing programs will increase the company administrative expenses. Question 3 What are the key considerations facing the hotel as it reviews the booking requests from the West Indies Cricket Board? Answer: There are four key considerations in reviewing the booking request such as: - Financial impact

Saturday, May 9, 2020

The Little-Known Secrets to Police Militarization Essay Samples

The Little-Known Secrets to Police Militarization Essay Samples To be certain, it's not essential for militarized forces to really fight the civilian population, like militaries fight. Police officers aren't the only individuals who carry around firearms. Thus parliament couldn't pass legislation that's in contravention of the Constitution. Normally, militarized police units do not seem to supply the safety benefits that lots of police administrators claim. The New Angle On Police Militarization Essay Samples Just Released Merely presenting your arguments won't be sufficient. Below our GED sample essay is a brief analysis justifying its ideal score. So the next time you're worried about the kind of essay, just don't forget that you're ready to write in your voice to a specific level. The principle part is quite a strong element of the essay. Begin each paragraph by stating the principal point that you wish to speak about. It's possible to keep that aside for including in the subsequent paragraphs. Body paragraphs should construct upon one another and current new ideas in every single paragraph instead of circling across the identical idea. There are 3 things that will need to get included in your introduction paragraph. A History of Police Militarization Essay Samples Refuted There are a various writers that are devoted to writing articles for others. Additionally, it's a good idea to test the structure to supply you with a balanced essay, which includes a concise introduction, numerous effectively-organized physique literature sample paragraphs that concentrate on a single thought, and a quick conclusion. After the thesis was written, subsequent you should draft a synopsis of examples which will probably be employed to help the thesis all through the rest of the paper. If you wind up on the watch for a best essay instance, try to pay attention on the truly amazing examples of introductions as nicely. You should study not only 1 example essay to have the idea of how you are able to do it proper. To be certain you compose a great literature paper, this text provides pointers which you will discover useful. Using persuasive essay examples is a great way to prepare to compose a successful essay. To construction an essay, you must simply obey the above format. Bear in mind, personal statement isn't enjoy a normal college essay. There are several good persuasive essay topics to pick from. Your reference list has to be included at the conclusion of your essay. A growing number of professional writers are registering for websites to provide their expertise at quite lower prices. At the center of community policing is the thought that police departments should work in close consultation and cooperation with the general public. There are two kinds of Personal Statement. If learning how to compose a persuasive essay is a challenging job for you then it's possible to ask the help from experts who can demonstrate how to compose an essay. Persuasive writing examples are seen on the internet page and ought to offer help to in the greater comprehension of a literary essay. Practicing the elements of high-quality essay writing is helpful regardless of what topic you concentrate on. Writing templates are very helpful for essays with topics t hat can be unfamiliar to the author. If you do that, you won't only have the ability to write more articles but you will also be able to make great excellent content each and every moment. When you're choosing an essay topic, it's important to select one that has lots of information and statistics to back up your perspective, nor exaggerate any info which you have chosen to write about. The general public website consists of three categories of information. If you're seeking an online site that may give you free essays written by certified and skilled writers, then you definitely shouldn't need to look anywhere else.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Non-Invasive Diagnostic Techniques Free Essays

Non-Invasive diagnostic techniques| | X-rays| An X-ray machine is essentially a camera. Instead of visible light, however, it uses X-rays to expose the film. X-rays are like light in that they are electromagnetic waves, but they are more energetic so they can penetrate many materials to varying degrees. We will write a custom essay sample on Non-Invasive Diagnostic Techniques or any similar topic only for you Order Now When the X-rays hit the film, they expose it just as light would. Since bone, fat, muscle, tumors and other masses all absorb X-rays at different levels, the image on the film lets you see different (distinct) structures inside the body because of the different levels of exposure on the film. Ultrasound| Ultrasound or ultrasonography is a medical imaging technique that uses high frequency sound waves and their echoes. The technique is similar to the echolocation used by bats, whales and dolphins, as well as SONAR used by submarines. | Thermography| | MRI| MRI scanners vary in size and shape, and some newer models have a greater degree of openness around the sides. Still, the basic design is the same, and the patient is pushed into a tube that’s only about 24 inches (60 centimetres) in diameter. The biggest and most important component of an MRI system is the magnet. There is a horizontal tube — the same one the patient enters — running through the magnet from front to back. This tube is known as the bore. But this isn’t just any magnet — we’re dealing with an incredibly strong system here, one capable of producing a large, stable magnetic field. The strength of a magnet in an MRI system is rated using a unit of measure known as a tesla. Another unit of measure commonly used with magnets is the gauss (1 tesla = 10,000 gauss). The magnets in use today in MRI systems create a magnetic field of 0. 5-tesla to 2. 0-tesla, or 5,000 to 20,000 gauss. When you realize that the Earth’s magnetic field measures 0. 5 gauss, you can see how powerful these magnets are. Most MRI systems use a superconducting magnet, which consists of many coils or windings of wire through which a current of electricity is passed, creating a magnetic field of up to 2. 0 tesla. Maintaining such a large magnetic field requires a good deal of energy, which is accomplished by superconductivity, or reducing the resistance in the wires to almost zero. To do this, the wires are continually bathed in liquid helium at 452. 4 degrees below zero Fahrenheit (269. 1 below zero degrees Celsius) [source: Coyne]. This cold is insulated by a vacuum. While superconductive magnets are expensive, the strong magnetic field allows for the highest-quality imaging, and superconductivity keeps the system economical to operate. | How to cite Non-Invasive Diagnostic Techniques, Essay examples

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Womens Rights Essay Example For Students

Womens Rights Essay Womens RightsWe live in an age where women have gained access, and freedoms to explore a wide range of interests, and life styles more then they ever could in the past. Freedoms to enter the mans work force. Freedom to hold banking accounts, and get mortgages, and loans. In some states, they even have the freedom to marry the same sex. In this age of increasing change, there is one area that I feel women should be protected from, and that is hand to hand combat. I was raised in a household where both parents were in the workforce, and raised two children at the same time. I was what you would call a latchkey child, I came home every day to a bowl of cereal, cartoons, and an empty house. However, at home the traditional gender roles were followed, I took out the trash, and mowed the lawn, while my mother and sister cooked meals, and washed clothes. I believe in traditional roles, because they work. I missed having my parents around, to talk to, and ask advise. It is my hope!that the y outh of tomorrow will have a mother to come home to, to laugh, ask advise, and most importantly to love. We will write a custom essay on Womens Rights specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Situated at the gateway to Arlington National Cemetery, there is a memorial being built. The Women in Military Service for America Memorial will recognize the 1.8 million women who have served from the American Revolution to present, according to the Air Force News service. The idea of women serving in the military in not a new concept, the idea Architects model for the Women in Military Service For America Memorial. The memorial is planned for the gateway to Arlington National Cemetery in Washington, D.Cof them serving in hand to hand combat, however is. There is currently a law that keeps women out of combat, and protects them from direct harm. Several issues come into play when you consider women serving in the military, including childcare, pregnancy, sexual harassment, and physical requirements. When it comes to child care, often the services provided on base are not accessible at the times needed, and when the parents are stationed overseas, they must deal with non-English speaking care-givers. Sexual harassment (as we have seen over and over in dozens of news reports of women being assaulted or harassed by their superiors) is prevalent in the military. Young women arrive at training grounds straight out of boot camp after weeks pushing their physical limits. They are taught above all else to respect authority and to follow orders. What many encountered at this early moment in their military careers was, at minimum, abuse by the authority they were supposed to respect. What others encountered were, at worst, orders that Sgt. Delmar G. Simpson is said to have given more than one of his alleged rape victims: If you ever tell anyone about this, Ill hurt you.There has been debate about whether or not women should have a separate boot camp, or if they should remain integrated with the men. There are positive and negative aspects to each of these cases. If the men and women are integrated, they learn to work together, respect each other abilities, and learn how the opposite sex react to high-pressure situations. If however, the training was segregated, then there would be less of a chance of a female officer coming under friendly fire of sexual combat, from their own superiors. I feel that women should be protected from physical harm, i.e. hand to hand combat, as well as emotional harm. The question we need to ask ourselves is Are we willing to pay the price to have our mothers in combat?Works CitedAir force news service. Memorial to honor women servicemembers http://www.af.mil/pa/Jun95/an062095_20jun95_645.htmlGoodman, Ellen. Women put in harms way Boston Globe 16 Nov. 1996.Military Woman Home Page Military Family Life and Childcarehttp://www.militarywoman.org/family.htm Womens Rights Essay Example For Students Womens Rights Essay We live in an age where women have gained access, and freedoms to explore a wide range of interests, and life styles more then they ever could in the past. Freedoms to enter the mans work force. Freedom to hold banking accounts, and get mortgages, and loans. In some states, they even have the freedom to marry the same sex. In this age of increasing change, there is one area that I feel women should be protected from, and that is hand to hand combat. I was raised in a household where both parents were in the workforce, and raised two children at the same time. We will write a custom essay on Womens Rights specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now I was what you would call a latchkey child, I came home every day to a bowl of cereal, cartoons, and an empty house. However, at home the traditional gender roles were followed, I took out the trash, and mowed the lawn, while my mother and sister cooked meals, and washed clothes. I believe in traditional roles, because they work. I missed having my parents around, to talk to, and ask advise. It is my hope! that the youth of tomorrow will have a mother to come home to, to laugh, ask advise, and most importantly to love. Situated at the gateway to Arlington National Cemetery, there is a memorial being built. The Women in Military Service for America Memorial will recognize the 1. 8 million women who have served from the American Revolution to present, according to the Air Force News service. The idea of women serving in the military in not a new concept, the idea Architects model for the Women in Military Service For America Memorial. The memorial is planned for the gateway to Arlington National Cemetery in Washington, D. C of them serving in hand to hand combat, however is. There is currently a law that keeps women out of combat, and protects them from direct harm. Several issues come into play when you consider women serving in the military, including childcare, pregnancy, sexual harassment, and physical requirements. When it comes to child care, often the services provided on base are not accessible at the times needed, and when the parents are stationed overseas, they must deal with non-English speaking care-givers. Sexual harassment as we have seen over and over in dozens of news reports of women being assaulted or harassed by their superiors is prevalent in the military. Young women arrive at training grounds straight out of boot camp after weeks pushing their physical limits. They are taught above all else to respect authority and to follow orders. What many encountered at this early moment in their military careers was, at minimum, abuse by the authority they were supposed to respect. What others encountered were, at worst, orders that Sgt. Delmar G. Simpson is said to have given more than one of his alleged rape victims: If you ever tell anyone about this, Ill hurt you. There has been debate about whether or not women should have a separate boot camp, or if they should remain integrated with the men. There are positive and negative aspects to each of these cases. If the men and women are integrated, they learn to work together, respect each other abilities, and learn how the opposite sex react to high-pressure situations. If however, the training was segregated, then there would be less of a chance of a female officer coming under friendly fire of sexual combat, from their own superiors. I feel that women should be protected from physical harm, i. e. hand to hand combat, as well as emotional harm. The question we need to ask ourselves is Are we willing to pay the price to have our mothers in combat?

Friday, March 20, 2020

Asthma essay Essays

Asthma essay Essays Asthma essay Paper Asthma essay Paper In this paper, the three articles on asthma were gathered from three different websites namely the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute –National Institutes of Health (www.nhlbi.nih.gov), MedicineNet.com and finally Wikipedia.org. The topic of main concern from these three articles was the definition and the causes of asthma. Asthma in definition is a chronic, meaning long-term, lung disease that causes the bronchial airways to inflame and narrow, thus making it hard for the patient to breathe, wheezing, and tightening of the chest and others. Also, asthma is a fairly common disease for all ages all around the world but would mostly appear from childhood and up to adulthood. Depending on the severity of the condition, the treatment can be as basic as medication to altering completely the lifestyle and environment to accommodate the said disease. The exact cause of asthma is still not clear it can be a mixture of the environment and genetic characte ristics of the person that enables it to appear in the young individual. But it is known that every asthma attack could be very dangerous to the health of the individual especially when he lacks medical guidance and supervision with regards to his condition. In present, there are no clear-cut solutions or cure for Asthma, but nevertheless, new technologies help enables an asthmatic patient to attain the most normal life possible, as reiterating the fact that there is no known cure, just by helping â€Å"manage† the disease. But then again, those millions affected by asthma all around the world struggle to maintain a normal lifestyle especially knowing that an asthmatic attack could happen any moment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The brief summary was created from the account of the three article sources. Although there were very minor differences to the information of the sources, it can be mostly attributed to the use of words of the authors, and can essentially be disregarded. The information given by the sources does not have conclusive disagreements, their thought and facts were the same in essence. In my opinion, these websites provides knowledge of asthma in different levels of technicality. In my own classification, the information given by Wikipedia.org is more technical by choice within the three sources. It provided more in-depth and medically relevant facts compared with the two other sources. But the NHLBI website, on the other hand, provided more average explanation than the two, thus making it the most reader-friendly article. It provided the most simplest of the explanation even offering a photographic inset of what happens during an asthma attack. Finally, the MedicineNet.com was in between the Wikipedia and NHLBI articles as it provided a longer explanation and a wide scope of the topic. I also commend the use of figures and statistics by all of the three to put the topic even more closely to run-of-the-mill explanation. However, with regards to the validity of their shared information, Wikipedia.org was at the bottom. Wikipedia is known as a website free for anyone to edit, making its accuracy of claims become a spot-on not 100% reliable. The two other sources were more reliable as to the fact that their authors and editors are licensed professionals, doctors and in the case of the NHLBI, are government employees.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Nevertheless, all the information given by all three articles could be very helpful depending on the degree of knowledge of the individual. The articles, especially the one by NHLBI, provided simple yet effective means of understanding more a common health issue that affects millions of individuals all over the world. The use of information dissemination is essential in helping every affected individual to fully understand disease that is Asthma. With the proper use of articles that are highly reliable and factual, anyone with health concern as asthma could be shared with advantageous information that could be very beneficial to the person’s health. References Asthma, Retrieved from: medicinenet.com/asthma/article.htm Asthma, Retrieved from: nhlbi.nih.gov/health/dci/Diseases/Asthma/Asthma_WhatIs.html Asthma, Retrieved from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asthma

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

The 10 Most Stressful Jobs

The 10 Most Stressful Jobs work stress- we all have it in some form, no matter what we do. whether it’s deadlines, or colleagues who make things challenging, or not enough resources to perform at a certain level, every job has its down times. however, some jobs are just more stressful than others, especially ones that deal in actual life-or-death scenarios or the public crucible. every year, careercast does a survey to determine the most stressful jobs around. they look at 11  different stress factors, including: deadlines, public attention and pressure, travel, interacting with the public, salary, physical demands, job environment, hazards, risks to others’ safety, and risks to one’s own life and safety.here are the most stressful jobs, according to that survey:enlisted military personnelit may come as no surprise that men and women on duty in active war zones face the most job stress of anyone. enlisted military personnel (even those not serving on the front lines) face a number of phy sical challenges in their career, as well as concerns about their safety and the safety of those around them.firefighterwhen a firefighter responds to a call, it could be a false alarm, or it could be a raging fire with people to be rescued. firefighters need to be prepared for any outcome when they leave on a call. by the very nature of their jobs, they run into very unsafe situations to make sure that the rest of us are safe- a high-pressure situation no matter how you look at it.airline pilotairline pilots are entrusted with the care of not only a plane full of passengers and crew, but also a giant piece of multi-million-dollar equipment. plus they have to do it all on a very strict schedule. the next time you’re delayed in an airport, take some time to reflect that we’re asking pilots to achieve great things under an incredible amount of pressure.police officerlike firefighters, police officers are often the first responders when things go terribly wrong. they†™re tasked with the huge public trust of keeping law and order- a responsibility that can weigh on the everyday life of an officer. they’re often exposed to the worst elements society has to offer, and risk harm on a daily basis.event coordinatoralthough event planning is rarely a life-or-death situation, it can be an incredibly stressful career path. if all of the elements of an event don’t go just right, it’s often the coordinator whose name and reputation are on the line. not only that, he or she is directly accountable to clients and the public.public relations executivelike event coordinators, public relations executives are often very publicly accountable for their actions. olivia pope may make â€Å"handling it† look smooth, but in reality the people who try to manage public information for clients are often up on a very high-profile high wire.senior corporate executivestock prices dropping like it’s hot? company had a very high-profile mi stake or a bad customer experience that went mega-viral? it’s likely the ceo whose reputation and job which are on the line. the combination of business stress plus public accountability is likely what lands high-level corporate executives on this list.tv broadcasterimagine that thousands (or millions!) of people are watching you on television, with every second immortalized in hd. any slip of the tongue could launch a thousand twitter statuses, or worse- land you in youtube infamy.newspaper reportermuch of the time these days, newspaper reporters can’t win. the financial woes of the newspaper industry are legion (how many times a week do we hear that newspapers in general are on the brink of death?), but even reporters worried for their jobs can’t afford to let news quality or misinformation slip.taxi driverif you’re a taxi driver, not only do you welcome dozens of strangers per day into your car and personal space, but now for traditional yellow cab vet erans there is extra competition lurking from rideshare apps like lyft or uber. for many drivers, the stresses of the open road join the risks of interacting with the unknown public.so after knowing what the most stressful jobs are these days, are you brave enough to tackle them?

Sunday, February 16, 2020

DKNY Advertising Rhetorical Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

DKNY Advertising Rhetorical Analysis - Essay Example Because women, just like everyone else, have one chance to make a first impression, cosmetics are indispensible to their lives. The strategy that a company adopts to publicize and market its products determines how much of an advantage a company can make from this fact. The success of an advertisement, in turn, depends, on the ability of a company, to make a strong first impression on the consumer-to produce a â€Å"wow† effect-and, obviously, it only has the chance to do it. Advertising is, therefore, a high stake game with the success or failure of a commercial being an issue of life and death for a product. The advertisement above is that of a perfume manufactured by DONNA KARAN NEW YORK, also referred to as DKNY. What catches the consumer’s eyes first is the exotic woman who is also young and beautiful with a confident expression that seems to looks right into the camera (Faigley and Selzer87). The non-verbal expression conveys a message, which is not very hard to d ecipher, this is qualified by the caption right below; it translates the expression for the consumer-BE DELICIOUS. It may be noted that the location of the caption is to the right center of the advertisement, rather than to the advertisement’s bottom or corner. This caption, in its block letters and bright color, is just as striking as the young woman is. It is one of the first elements of the advertisement, which catch the consumer’s eye. The caption and the image make up most of advertisement and are so striking that everything else, including the background, becomes irrelevant.. The caption-BE DELICIOUS- is not a phrase or a clause, but it is a sentence. The caption is an imperative sentence. The subject of these sentences is quite clear without being explicit and it seems to command subtly the consumer to try it. The advertisement’s exhortation is for the woman to be delicious with the temptation to try the product being hard to resist. If the viewer is a wo man, it gives the user an â€Å"x-factor† that can make them more attractive. On the other hand, when viewed by a man, the advertisement challenges the man to discover what women want, and when this challenge is from a woman, it makes it all the more irresistible. In addition, the look of the young woman, as well as her body language, seems to carry conviction, whether the viewer will trust the product or censor if they do not. The impact of eye contact on the viewer cannot be overestimated, evoking a feeling of self-esteem and self-confidence. How popular a product will become is also aided by how popular an advertisement is. For this reason, a lot of care must be observed when selecting and structuring of the images in the advertisement (Faigley and Selzer226). The measure on how effective the images used in the advertisement are is whether the viewer will take a pause after reading the magazine, newspaper, or driving, past the billboard, to come back to the advertisement a fter seeing it the first time. The overall outcome of the words, pictures, and colors on the consumer or viewer is durable. The image remains in one’ mind for a while; the caption is immediately recognizable and memorable. The colors are also bright green, which contrasts with the flawless tan of the young woman, which makes her skin, and the advertisement, all the more memorable. Advertisements must, not

Sunday, February 2, 2020

How influential is the United Nation to protect and implement the Dissertation

How influential is the United Nation to protect and implement the death penalty in regards to human rights - Dissertation Example Moreover, the nations aimed to achieve better standards of living, human rights and social progress. The UN has a unique international nature and it can intervene in a wide range of issues. It also provides a forum for its Member States to voice their opinion. This is facilitated by the General Assembly, the Security Council, and the other committees and bodies.1 Moreover, the influence of the UN is felt all over the world. The UN performs humanitarian assistance, conflict prevention, peacekeeping and peacebuilding. In addition, the UN and its system affect the world and tend to improve it. A large number of issues are dealt with by the UN. Some of these include, environment and refugee protection, sustainable development, disaster relief, counter terrorism, gender equality, human rights, governance, improving food production and the promotion of democracy. 2 In addition, the international human rights and humanitarian law clearly prohibit torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading trea tment or punishment. This prohibition applies to all the states and is independent of their treaty obligations. Several of the international and regional treaties have clearly included this prohibition. The regional systems and the UN have declared that some features of the death penalty cannot be permitted. These aspects have been considered to be cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment. 3 Some examples are the manner in which death row inmates are kept in their cells; the torment of being under the never ending threat of execution; and the confidential nature of the imposition of the death penalty. These factors have a tremendous effect upon the condemned person and his family. As a result, the UN Human Rights Committee addressed the states with the death penalty. It asked them to improve the conditions of detention of the individuals on death row.4 Such improvements had to comply with the requirements specified in the International Convention on Civil and Political R ights (ICCPR). Furthermore, the UN Human Rights Committee had declared unwarranted delay in informing a convicted person of a stay in execution, as an instance of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment. Moreover, the UN Human Rights Committee has made a recommendation. This suggests that the condemned and their families are to be informed reasonably and sufficiently in advance regarding the date and time of the execution.5 Such advance notice, would provide them with sufficient time to prepare for the occurrence. In this regard, the important organs of the United Nations and their functions are described below. Functioning of the UN The principal bodies of the UN are the General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council, Trusteeship Council, International Court of Justice and Secretariat. Among these the Security Council is responsible for international peace and security. Consequently, the Security Council may conduct a meeting, whenever a threat to international peac e and security is perceived.6 These six bodies do not have the same

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Relationship Between Police and Muslim Individuals

Relationship Between Police and Muslim Individuals Shamma Alsuwaidi Dataset being used: 2014-15 Crime Survey of England and Wales Variable name of dependent variable: copannoy Variable name of main independent variable: Muslim Word count of this project ¹: 2,672 words I have included my SPSS output as an appendix to this project I am happy for an anonymised version of this project to be used  for teaching purposes at the University of Kent    My research question In this project, I examine the relationship between police officers and individuals from different religious groups. I will examine whether Muslims encounter more disturbing and discriminatory experiences with the police, compared to those who follow different religions (Christians, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, and those who do not follow any religion). Accordingly, the dependent variable I will be using is: really annoyed with the police, while my independent variable will be: Muslim religion. Potential mechanisms linking police malpractice to Muslims I selected these variables because in a post-9/11 civilisation, Muslims are increasingly becoming more segregated from societies as a result of the increased media attention to them. People began to fear Muslims and attempts to segregate them from society were made by many. Muslims are now perceived as an outsider group, a category of aggressive, extremist individuals, who pose a risk to British lifestyles (Rowe, 2013). Although Islam is the most common religion amongst minorities, high rates of prejudice of Arabs and Muslims is evident in countries of the EU such as France and the UK. For instance, over 50% of people in Germany, France, and the UK identify and associate Muslims as radicals, aiming to promote their extreme religious beliefs (Jikeli, 2011). As a result, attitudes towards Muslims dramatically changed worldwide. Prejudice and hate spread, leading Arabs/Muslims to now face critical observation in every aspect of their lives. They can no longer travel, drive, and enjoy being out in public due to the discrimination they face in their everyday lives. In addition, instead of receiving support and protection from law enforcements, they are instead further victimised by them. Racial profiling, unjust treatment, unjustified investigations, harassment, and wrongful captures are now very common experiences between Muslims in European countries (Cainkar, 2002). In addition, it is not uncommon for an Arab to be randomly selected for security checks at airports, and even be prohibited from flying due to such prejudice views. However, discrimination against those coloured and those who acquire divergent features than typical Europeans do occur as well; where gipsies (47%) and Africans (41%) experience higher levels of discrimination as well (Jikeli, 2011). I expect that Muslims are more likely to find themselves in situations where they become irritated by the police, or unsatisfied with how the police deal with occurrences compared to those who follow other religions. This is because, at a time of increased awareness and fear of terrorism, and with socially and politically constructed images of Muslims, society would ultimately treat them in a hostile manner. As a result, members of the law enforcement are more likely to share the same views with society or would be inclined into targeting and eliminating any potential harm or threat of terrorism that could be caused to society. Therefore, the police would be more likely to be suspicious towards an Arab or Muslim. Dependent variable In my analysis, I used data collected from the 2014/15 Crime Survey of England and Wales, which surveys adults (16+) living in private residence in the UK. My dependent variable is really annoyed by police, which comes from the question: Have you ever been really annoyed about the way a police officer behaved towards you or someone you know. OR about the way the police handled a matter in which you were involved? This might have been a police officer or another member of police staff. 1. Yes- towards respondent 2. Yes- towards someone else 3. Yes- towards both respondent and someone else 4. No I am missing statistics on the frequency of police aggravation, since 24,806 out of 33,350 individuals did not respond to this question. Below is the frequency table of those who did respond: Number of responses Frequency (% of valid cases) No 6,341 74.2% Yes 2,203 25.8% Total 8,544 100% Table 1: Frequency table of police annoyance Since the question gives respondents chances to respond in different yet similar ways, I modified the way in which responses are interpreted. For example: * Yes: towards respondent à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ Ã¢â‚¬Å¡towards someone else à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ Ã¢â‚¬Å¡towards both respondent and someone else I integrated the responses in order to simplify the data. Instead of having various categories of the yes responses, they would all be integrated into an individual yes group. Therefore, my dependent variable is respondents claiming themselves, another individual, or even both being irritated by any staff within the law enforcement agency. 25.8% of the valid respondents stated that they have been in an experience where they, and/or someone they know has been annoyed by the police, as shown in Table 1. Main independent variable The main independent variable I am manipulating is the Islam religion. This is derived from the Crime Survey of England and Wales (2014/15), which is built upon individuals self- reported religion, at the time they took part in the questionnaire. The question is shown as the following: What is your religion, even if you are not currently practicing? CODE ONE ONLY IF YES, PROBE FOR RELIGION 1. Christian (including Church of England, Catholic, Protestant, and all other Christian denominations) 2. Buddhist 3. Hindu 4. Jewish 5. Muslim 6. Sikh 7. Other (SPECIFY) 8. No religion Here, I am missing 76 responses out of the total of 33,350 people who took part in the survey. These individuals either refused to answer or claimed they did not know the answer. A frequency table of the remaining respondents can be seen in Table 2: Number of responses Frequency (% of valid cases) No 32309 97.1% Yes 965 2.9% Total 33274 100% Table 2: Frequency table of Muslim respondents As the question initially asks for their reported religions, I have created two distinct response categories. For instance, those with no self-reported religion, and those associated with other religions (Jewish, Christian, Hindu, Sikh and Buddhists), are categorised as no. Whereas, Muslims respondents are placed in the yes category. This is because I was interested in making a general comparison of Muslim and non-Muslim perception of the police, in order to carry out my analysis. Control variables In this section of my analysis, I added two further control variables, whether respondents live in urban or rural areas and their reported gender. Here, all 33,350 respondents answered the questions. This is achieved in order to explore other factors that could influence people to experience irritation from the actions or behaviour of the police. Although there was no precise question presented to determine whether a place of residence is in a rural or urban area, respondents had to describe the features of their neighbourhoods and provide their address (postcode) on the survey. As a result, rural areas come to be defined as areas where the population is less than 10,000; communities where 7,567 (22.7%) of the respondents inhabit. However, exploring gender was based on the following question: CODE THE SEX OF EACH ADULT IN THE HOUSEHOLD IF NECESSARY: Is (name) male or female? Male Female Here, the interviewer collects data on every member of a household, assuming their gender, unless they are uncertain. This data indicates that 45.1% (15,030) of the 33,350 respondents are males. Analysis Part I: In my first stage of analysis, I examine the pattern of irritation from the police, by association of the Islam religion. The link between being a Muslim and the likelihood of being annoyed by the police is analysed by using a Crosstabs, as shown in the table below: Table 3: Link between police annoyance and Muslim religion Have not been annoyed with police Have been annoyed with police Total Non-Muslim 74.0% 26.0% 100% Muslim 84.0% 16.0% 100% Total 74.2% 25.8% 100% Total number of respondents for this analysis: 8521 Although 24,829 people did not answer this question, Table 3 shows data based on the 8,521 individuals who did. 16.0% of Muslim respondents claimed that they encountered a situation where an officer annoyed them, or someone they knew, in comparison to 26.0% of non-Muslim respondents. In other words, Muslims are 10% less likely to claim to be annoyed with an officer of the law, than those of other religions; resulting in a different pattern than I predicted at the start of my analysis. Analysis Part II: Is this pattern systematic? Data suggests that members of the Muslim community are less likely to be annoyed by the way police handle situations than others. However, this could have resulted from the randomness of the sample, or randomness of how police members handle occurrences and behave towards people. So, I ran a regression with being annoyed with the police as the dependent variable, and being Muslim as an independent variable; to examine the patterns certainty. A table below discloses whether the pattern in systematic: Coefficient (B) 95% confidence interval Constant 0.260 0.251 to 0.270 Muslim -0.100 -0.157 to -0.043 Table 4: Regression table of influence of police annoyance In Table 4, we can see that the estimated effect correlates with the mean difference in the likelihood of being annoyed with the police, in the previous part; Muslims are -0.100 (-10%) less likely than those of other religions, to state that they have been really annoyed with the police at one time. In addition, the regression table produces a confidence interval around this data; -0.157 to -0.043 (-15.7% to -4.3%). Since the figure (-0.100) lies between the confidence range, this data implies that we can be quite confident that Muslims experience lower levels of police annoyance, in a systematic manner: If we could create 100 worlds, and re-run the patterns, the true value would lie within the range (-0.157 to -0.043) 95 out of 100 times. Which, therefore, suggests that being Muslim decreases an individuals likelihood of being annoyed by the police, 10% less than those of other religions. In addition, as both figures in the confidence intervals are negative and the range is narrow; this allows us to be quite confident that the pattern is systematic. However, we cannot be 100% certain. Analysis Part III: Is this pattern causal? There are other possible factors that could explain the correlation between Muslims and dissatisfaction in how police handle situations. These confounders vary from the mechanism I examined earlier; around police interactions around Muslims. For instance: An individuals area of residence could impact the way the police interact with them. It is more likely for those living in deprived areas to experience injustice from the police, and therefore, hold negative images of police officers. They are also more likely than those in urban areas to have issues with police officers, as their neighbourhoods are likely to have high rates of criminal activities. In addition, police staff may be prejudice against people living in rural areas, labelling them as criminals, and therefore, treating them in a different manner. It could also be due to gender. As female criminality is not as common as those of men, police are known to focus on male suspects. Especially as there is a high rate of young male offenders in this century, male suspects are more likely to be annoyed by the police. In order to test both hypotheses, a further regression was carried out, which includes neighbourhood area (urban) and gender (male) as control variables (as defined above). Coefficient (B) 95% confidence interval (Constant) 0.141 0.081 to 0.202 No religion 0.147 0.089 to 0.206 Christian 0.077 0.019 to 0.134 Hindu 0.012 -0.088 to 0.111 Other religion 0.109 0.021 to 0.197 Lives in urban area -0.017 -0.039 to 0.005 Male 0.073 0.054 to 0.091 Table 5: Regression model of influences of being annoyed by the police We can see the impact of my control variables, as shown in Table 5: Living in an urban area: living in urban the areas, is associated with a decrease in being annoyed by the police by 0.017 (1.7%). Although this effect seems minimal, it could increase dramatically depending on how rural/urban an area is labelled as. However, here, we cannot be confident that the pattern is systematic, due to the confidence interval containing positive and negative figures (-0.039 to 0.005). Gender: males in the community are more likely than females to be annoyed with the police, or how they handled a situation; 7.3% (0.073). Here, we can be very certain that the pattern is systematic because the confidence interval range is very narrow. In order to concentrate on my main area of interest, I pay particular attention to the difference in how the police deal with those of varying religions. We can analyse a contrast among both versions, in a chart shown below: Coefficient (B) 95% confidence interval Original model (no controls) -0.100 -0.157 to -0.043 Second model (with controls) -0.099 -0.157 to -0.042 Table 6: Comparison of effects of police annoyance on Muslims This suggests that the gap in how police interact with those of different religions, is almost identical in both models; whereas, in the original model, Muslims are 10% (-0.100) less likely to have been annoyed by the police, and 9.9% less likely when controls are added. We can still be quite confident that Muslims are less likely to have been annoyed by the police, as the confidence intervals in both remain almost unchanged, and remain narrow. This indicates some proof of causality; however, we cannot be 100% confident. While keeping reverse causality in mind, to further investigate whether there is a causal effect, we can be quite certain that it does not apply in this context. In other words, we would not infer that experiencing a dissatisfying experience with a member of the police causes an individual to become Muslim. Limitations conclusion In this research, I researched whether Muslims are more likely to have been annoyed by a member of the police. I assumed that they would be more exposed to the negative experiences and qualities of the police force, especially after 9/11. A period where Muslims would be forced to endure discrimination by society and the justice system (random searches, presumptions of terrorism, etc.). However, I came to find that my presumption was incorrect. I utilised the 2014-15 Crime Survey for England Wales study. This typically involves a questionnaire that examines the degree of crime and victimisation in areas of England and Wales. From this survey, I discovered that: Muslims are less likely to be in a situation, where they became irritated by the police, in comparison to Jews, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, and those who do not follow any religion. Also, I found that we can be quite convinced that the pattern is systematic. When allowing for the possibility of alternative factors impacting Muslims experiences with the police, income and gender, the results of their experiences remains roughly identical. There is little or no possibility of reverse causality being possible in this context, as interactions with the police would not necessarily cause someone to follow a certain religion. However, a few limitations can be found in this study, altering the way findings are gathered and construed. For instance, there could be other factors that clarify the link between being of Muslim religion and being irritated with the police. In this case, Muslims may be less likely to report their victimisation, especially reporting against a police officer. In addition, the Crime Survey for England Wales may be less available to Muslims than those of other religions, creating a bias or unrepresentative sample. Another limitation is in the way the question is asked; towards you or someone you know. This question includes others interactions with the police (or someone you know), therefore, although a respondent did not personally feel irritated by the police at a given point, the would report some form of police annoyance. Therefore, data collected could be inaccurate, as their responses could affect the way the statements are interpreted. As a result, data would suggest that those of other religions are more likely to have been annoyed by the police. Although certainty of a causal effect is not definite, my inspection of the data indicates that a causal effect of religion (being Muslim) on how the police interact with individuals does exist, in some manner. Bibliography Cainkar, L. (2002). No Longer Invisible: Arab and Muslim Exclusion after September 11. Middle East Report, [Online] 32(224), pp. 22-23. Available from: http://epublications.marquette.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1006context=socs_fac [Accessed 15 Mar. 2017]. Jikeli, G. (2011). DISCRIMINATION OF EUROPEAN MUSLIMS: SELF-PERCEPTIONS, EXPERIENCES AND DISCOURSES OF VICTIMHOOD. 1st edn. [ebook] Nova Science Publishers, Inc., pp. 1-3. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Gunther_Jikeli2/publication/289972827_Discrimination_of_European_Muslims_Self-Perceptions_Experiences_and_Discourses_of_Victimhood/links/56b2596708aed7ba3fedcded.pdf [Accessed 15 Mar. 2017]. Rowe, M. (2013). Policing beyond Macpherson. 1st edn. Routledge, 2013, pp. 109-111.   Ã‚  

Friday, January 17, 2020

Enlightenment thinking Essay

The Declaration of Independence is the basis of our government here in the United States. When the authors of this document were writing it they included many references to enlightenment theories. Of these many theories three within the document can be attributed to John Locke, Jean Jacques Rousseau, and Thomas Hobbes. John Locke was a believer in the three natural rights of man, life, liberty, and property. In the Declaration of Independence Locke’s idea can be found throughout but one example is, â€Å"†¦It is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government laying its foundation of such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.† This quote is exactly along the lines of Locke’s thinking. He believed that a government is there to serve and protect, and if the government does not do its duty, then the people have a right to overthrow a government and start a new one. Rousseau believed that all men were free and ought to be, therefore any government must act according to the will of the people. The Declaration of Independence includes this too, â€Å"A prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.† This quote reflects Rousseau’s ideas exactly. That man is â€Å"in chains† by the government a must be free. Finally, Thomas Hobbes was a believer in the social contract stating that to gain rights people had to give up rights. One right which people were supposed to gain was protection by the government. This idea can be found within the Declaration of Independence, â€Å"He has abdicated government here, by declaring us out of his protection and waging war against us.† The Declaration of Independence contains many different enlightenment ideas. These ideas had a great impact on the founding of the United States and still do today.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Diversity Policies Of Australia - 1013 Words

Disability Discrimination is a behaviour that is unlawful and unacceptable toward people that have a disability. Besides that, there is over four million Australians that have disability living in Australia (1). Therefore, Disability Discrimination Act 1992 was launched in order to protect people with disabilities so that they can have normal life as others. Australia Post was chosen in order to explain in details about the Act as well as diversity policies that the company uses within the company. Australia Post is one of the most culturally diverse workforce in Australia with 32,732 employees, 136 nationalities and speak 65+ languages (2). The statistic in their Annual Report shows that they have 39.1% women, 1.6% Indigenous†¦show more content†¦(11) It also makes all behaviours that discriminate disabled people by any person, business or authority become illegal (10). The Act makes sure that disabled people that will have the same opportunities and chances in employment, education, transport etc. with people that do not have disability (10) The legislation has its influence on people’s behaviour, organisation’s workforce policies and community including: †¢ Employment. †¢ Education. †¢ Access to premises used by the public †¢ Provision of goods, services and facilities †¢ Accommodation. †¢ Buying land. †¢ Activities of clubs and associations. †¢ Sport. †¢ Administration of Commonwealth Government laws and programs. (12) 3.How does the Act promote diversity within an organisation s workforce? Disability Discrimination Act 1992 was created to protect people with disability. Therefore, in order to follow the law, eliminate disability discrimination in the workforce as well as improve productivity and increase efficiency of the company, the organisation has to review and create new policies and procedure and disability action plan that are under human rights and anti-discrimination law (6) The organisation has to offer some training and assistance to employees so that they can understand and work well with disabled people. Besides that, the company also has to consider about working time flexibility for disabled people because some people need to use medicine that can affect

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Masque of the Red Death - 2065 Words

In Aesop’s fable, â€Å"The Wolf and the Lamb,† the moral of the story asks the reader to examine the desire for an object—and how we justify our behavior if we cannot obtain that object. This moral is graphically presented through the repeated use of key words to describe the fox’s repeated failure to get what he wants. The fox’s first attempt is foiled as he â€Å"just missed† the grapes (35). He attempts â€Å"again and again†, running and jumping repeatedly, but has â€Å"no greater success† (35). He then becomes disgusted and walks away. These successive descriptions of his failure build to his disdainful comment that the grapes are probably sour (35). The repeated demonstration of fox’s failures and his self-rationalization of why is he walking away—not†¦show more content†¦I actually think that theres something admirable about Prosperos arrogance in the face of certain death. His refusal to let anyt hing get him down seems like a strength of his spirit. Its not easy to basically flip death the bird and stay happy and not scared in the face of a lethal plague. Maybe Prospero thinks creating one last carefree party is the best way to not let death break him. I’m not saying that he has a right to abandon his peasants. But his motivations might be nobler than it looks on the surface Mans relationship with death The fear of death drives the actions of several of Poes characters. In particular, the narrator of The Premature Burial obsesses about the possibility of premature burial, and his fear makes him so paranoid that when he wakes up in the berth of a ship, he mistakes it for a grave and has a terrifying experience for no real reason. At the same time, Poe describes several characters whose response to their fear of death is to avoid it, although the usual result of their avoidance is increased trauma. Prince Prospero and his courtiers in The Masque of the Red Death try to shut themselves away and ignore the slaughter caused by the Red Death, but death pays no attention to their barriers and kills them en masse. Similarly, the attempt by the narrator to arrest M. Ernest Valdemar at the point of death in The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar only causes the consumptive patient to die and have his body gruesomely dissolve into aShow MoreRelatedThe Masque Of The Red Death1093 Words   |  5 PagesThe Masque of Allegory Many writers of literature incorporate symbolic references in their works throughout history and today. One romantic poet and storywriter in particular is excellent in the use of allegory in his poems and stories. This unique writer’s name is Edgar Allan Poe and his tale â€Å"The Masque of the Red Death† is one of his most well known pieces of allegoric writing. Although there are numerous symbols in this story, the seven rooms and the fact that death is inevitable are the twoRead MoreThe Masque Of The Red Death Essay1572 Words   |  7 Pagesshort story form and inventing the modern detective story† (Slova ). In eighteen forty, Poe released one of his more well-known gothic short stories, â€Å"The Masque of the Red Death.† In â€Å"The Masque of the Red Death† Poe relies heavily upon the use literary devices such as allegories, symbolism, and narration to convey his overall theme of how death and mortality are inevitable. Poe was considered to have completely mastered the art of Gothic writing. It is believed by many that his inspiration came fromRead MoreThe Masque Of The Red Death1592 Words   |  7 Pagesexcellent example of this struggle in his short story â€Å"The Masque of the Red Death†. While a deadly plague is ravaging his country, a prosperous prince, quite appropriately named Prospero, takes a thousand of his fellow elites into seclusion at an abbey, where he later holds an elaborate masquerade. It is then towards the end of this masque, held in an imperial suite of brilliantly colored but bizarre rooms, that the plague, known as the ‘Red Death’, finally makes its way into the abbey, inevitably killingRead MoreThe Masque of the Red Death914 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"The Masque of the Red Death† by Edgar Allen Poe is an eerie short story about the â€Å"Red Death†, Poe’s twist on the Black Plague. This plague swept across an unknown kingdom killin g many people as it went. There were sharp pain, and sudden dizziness, and then profuse bleeding at the pores, with dissolution. Poe had two main themes for readers to think about. These themes were proven through five main symbols: The ebony clock in the black room, Prince Prospero in the abbey with his friends, the colorsRead MoreThe Masque Of The Red Death1788 Words   |  8 PagesDeath is inevitable in the human life cycle, so how does one attempt to avoid it? Symbolism is defined as the use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities. Edgar Allan Poe wrote a short story called, â€Å"The Masque of the Red Death.† The majority of people believe he is referring to the black plague that has struck the kingdom. Prince Prospero decides to let the kingdom â€Å"peasants† take care of themselves while himself, knights, and chosen women isolate themselves in Prospero’s castle. A little whileRead More The Masque of the Red Death879 Words   |  4 Pages â€Å"T he Masque of the Red Death† is an extraordinary story of many elements that can grasp any readers attention. This story targets more of the emotions and actions of the characters, creating more of a fathom. Edgar Allan Poe wrote this story from his own perspective and perhaps succeeded in getting the reader to some what relate to the characters focusing on the feelings. The point of view Poe wrote this in makes a clear understanding. The point of view Edgar wrote this in is very effectiveRead MoreThe Masque Of The Red Death1679 Words   |  7 Pages Power in â€Å"The Masque of the Red Death† â€Å"Frail humanity can never escape the ravages of time†. Humans are born and will eventually die; it’s the cycle of life. No one can prevent death, but it does not stop people from trying to prolong life. Fate is inevitably predetermined; death is our predetermined fate. In the allegory â€Å"The Masque of the Red Death†, written by Edgar Allan Poe in 1842, Poe teaches that death is predestined and that you cannot avoid fate. Poe focuses in on an unusual characterRead More Conflict in The Masque of the Red Death920 Words   |  4 Pages Conflicts affect the mood of the main characters in a story, by expressing the insecurities, Death,† a couple of conflicts are exposed throughout the piece. In the story â€Å"The Masque of the Red,† a couple of conflicts are expressed throughout this piece. The conflicts man versus fate and man versus himself are the conflicts that are displayed several times within this story. From major conflicts to minor conflicts, this story clarifies the problems that Prince Prospero faces within himselfRead MoreSymbolism In The Masque Of The Red Death708 Words   |  3 PagesDeath is something everyone frets on a daily basis. Edgar Allan Poe stresses how death is an unavoidable reality in his short story â€Å"The Masque of the Red Death†. Prince Prospero, a lying, cowardly, untrustworthy leader pretends to be helping his town as people are suddenly dying off from the Red Death, when he is actually just protecting himself and leaving his town helpless. This story is shown through the use of many symbols and events. Ultimately Poe utilizes symbolism in order to convey theRead MoreThe Masque Of The Red Death Analysis1117 Words   |  5 Pageshorrorerous descriptions. In â€Å"The Masque of the Red Death ¨, Edgar Allan Poe uses symbolism to portray the mood of death and despair with imagery though his descriptions of time, fear, and obliteration to develop the theme of the story . This is more than just a simple horror narrative. Throughout the story, the Masque of the  ¨Red Death ¨ corresponds with the uses of symbolism to portray the mood of death and despair. To break the title apart, the key image of the  ¨Masque ¨ implies a historic view of a