Saturday, November 30, 2019
Why do some people seek high risk activities an Example by
Why do some people seek high risk activities Extreme sports and extreme activities are high risk activities. These are activities that has a very real danger of fatality and accidents are numerous and often life threatening. These activities could range from white water rafting; sky diving, bungee jumping, even bicycle and car racing. The following are characterized by defying stunts, a high level of skill, state of the art equipments and safety precautions but people despite the imminent danger to their safety still seek out and participate in high risk activities. What does high risk activities offer to the individual that keeps them coming back to it and even become dedicated athletes to the sport? And are there specific types of persons who are more predisposed to engage in high risk activities? Need essay sample on "Why do some people seek high risk activities" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Undergraduates Often Tell Us: I'm not in the mood to write my paper. Because I want to spend time with my girlfriend Essay writers recommend: Proceed With Order Now Online Essays For Sale Buy College Papers Online Pay For College Essays Is It Illegal To Write Papers For Money There are theories that may explain the perception of risk and the physiological changes that are part of risk taking, to take risks and to shun away from risks. Psychoanalytic theories emphasize that safety needs are a basic and instinctual to the individual, thus the natural reaction to risks should be of aversion, thus those who seek out risks are seen to be illogical and pathological, however as we know all of us may engage in some form of risk taking behavior and that this claims have been found to be inconclusive (Franken,1998 p.43). A biological perspective says that all of us are programmed to take risks for us to survive, reminiscent of the principle of survival of the fittest, if we consider it; we are biologically wired to be risk takers. And the modern theories imply that individual differences can account for the fact that there are people who are risk takers and why some of us are not. It has been said that people who are risk takers are high on sensation seeking person ality traits (Block, 1995, p.191). This means that some people seek out high risk behaviors because they personally choose to. Risk refers to the possibility of failure in a certain activity, decision or endeavor. In the past risk have been thought in accordance with business risks and management strategies, but it has also been used to describe the dangerous activities and behavior that people engage in. High risk behaviors are those behaviors that endanger a persons life, like smoking, drug abuse, alcohol, and sexually active lifestyle. The said behavior increases the likelihood of death or sickness. On the other hand, high risk activities are legitimate activities that places an individual in the brink of danger, which in normal circumstances an individual may come out of it unscathed, but has a high possibility of being injured and accidents can happen all the time. There are three ways to approach risks as posited by Lykken (1982, p. 23), there are risk avoiders, those who avoid risk because of the high risk it involves, then there are the risk reducers, those who engage in the activity even if there are risks involved and the risk optimizers, who want to participate in the activity precisely because of the risks. This assumption presupposes that there are personality types that are more prone to seek out high risk activities and these are the risk optimizers, they are in it because it is risky and it gives them excitement. The foremost characteristic of high risk activities is the adrenaline rush that it gives to the individual, a feeling of intense excitement and arousal (Cogan rush is what motivates people to take the challenge of high risk activities. However, the rush is not the only reason; instead there are hosts of situational and personal factors that motivate individuals. One of this is the influence of the peer group and a risk taking personality as well as the feeling of achievement and accomplishment in mastering the sport or skill involved in the high risk activity. Generally, young adults and adolescents are more likely to engage in high risk activities (Cohn,, 1995, p. 217). Adolescents are often said to be impulsive and does not seem to care whether the activity is risky or not. It is evident that teenagers who are bored, needs a lot of action and movement. They can benefit from high risk activities to expend their energies. When they are in sports like rock climbing and biking, they get to experience social interaction, be responsible for their actions and even learn sportsmanship. It could also be a means of testing their limits just like any other teenager, and is often a step in discovering who they are and what they can and cannot do. On the other hand, young adults engage in high risk activities because they are in it because of their self-efficacy beliefs (Bandura, 1997, p. 34). They believe that they can accomplish the activity without any adverse consequences. In conclusion, people seek high risk activities because it offers them heightened emotions akin to the fight or flight adrenaline rush, it is a means of proving oneself to others and to be accepted by the peer group, and it can be simply because they want to and they are compelled to do so by their own beliefs of efficacy and mastery. High risk activities are not entirely bad or negative, it just has risks that may cost a persons life or health. References Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York: W.H. Freeman and Company. Block, J. (1995). A contrarian view of the five factor approach to personality description. Psychological Bulletin, 117, 187-225. Cogan, N., & Brown, R.. (1999). Metamotivational dominance, states and injuries in risk and safe sports. Personality and Individual Differences, 27, 503-518. Cohn, L., Macfarlane, S., Yanez, C., & Imai, W.K. (1995). Risk perception: Differences between adolescents and adults. Health Psychology, 14, 217-222. Franken, R.E. (1998). Human motivation (4th ed.). London: Brooks Cole Publishing Company. Kohler, M.P. (1996). Risk-taking behaviour: A cognitive approach. Psychological Reports, 78, 489-490. Lykken, D.T. (1982). Fearlessness: Its carefree charm and deadly risks. Psychology Today, September, 20-28.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Tagore and Hopkins Essays
Tagore and Hopkins Essays Tagore and Hopkins Essay Tagore and Hopkins Essay Essay Topic: Keats Poems and Letters Both the poets appreciated with a sense of wonder every object of nature in minute detail and at the name time saw in them a universal significance. Hopkins was a religious poet and Etageres appreciation, particularly in the west, was as a mystic poet. Both Ãâ°tagà ¨re and Hopkins practiced a theocratic aestheticism. They felt that God is not merely the creator; he Is also the force behind each and every object of nature. Although there Is no concrete evidence that Ãâ°tagà ¨re was acquainted with the poems of Hopkins, It may be deduced on the basis of some literary facts that such a possibility is not altogether a remote one. Key words: Victorian, sensuousness, painting, religion, prosody, sprung rhythm. A study In poetic affinities between Arbitrating Ãâ°tagà ¨re and Gerard Manley Hopkins may perhaps seem a bit strange to the readers. Apparently there Is no connection between the two great poets?one belonging to Victorian England and the others poetic career spanning from t he last two decades of 1 9th century to the modern period in the 20th century. Survey of Ãâ°tagà ¨re criticism also does not corroborate any resemblance between the two poets. Edward Thompson in his book Arbitrating Ãâ°tagà ¨re: Poet and Dramatist points in one place to a possible resemblance between Etageres poem Sea Waves and Hopkins The Wreck of the Deutsche (71). In fact comparative study between two or more poets of different runes and belonging to different nations can be taken up by any scholar. But why do I choose Hopkins and no other poet to compare with Ãâ°tagà ¨re probably requires an explanation. And here is my apology before I go into the details of my study. When I read the poetry of these two poets the affinities between them strike me as not something accidental, rather both of them appear to me as belonging to the same poetic tradition. In respect of their poetic vision, their technique, their attitude o nature and the mundane world there is a remarkable similarity between the two minds. Besides, temperamentally also the two poets share a close relationship. Apart from being a poet Hopkins was also a painter Repeat Journal on Interdisciplinary studies Humanities (SINS 0975-2935), Volvo 2, NO 4, 2010 special Issue on Arbitrating Ãâ°tagà ¨re, edited by Miriam Seen URL of the article: http://repeat. Common/no/disproportionate. PDF O www. repeat. Mom Repeat Journal Volvo 2 No 4 and showed a keen interest in music. The multitude of his drawings reveals his preoccupation with the beauty of nature. His numerous pencil sketches evince a clear influence of Russians The Elements of Drawing. Etageres genius was a versatile one?he was a poet, novelist, and dramatist all combined into one. Side by side he was also a painter of eminence and musician. Etageres drawings sometimes resemble Victorian illustrations (Negro 199) and like those of Hopkins his paintings also reveal an intensity of visualization (Negro 200). Both Hopkins and Ãâ°tagà ¨re wanted, at one point of time, to opt for the career of a painter, and in both of their cases, the art of painting exerted considerable influence on their literary career. Hopkins made a number of pencil sketches and Ãâ°tagà ¨re, on the other hand, made his early monochromes in pen. Both of them returned to painting at the later stage of their lives although in case of Hopkins the return, unlike Ãâ°tagà ¨re, was rather desultory. The emphasis on the particular was a feature of both. Their drawings reveal their ability to observe critically and carefully and both of them could divine the Infinite in the finite. In a letter dated 28th November, 1928 Ãâ°tagà ¨re wrote: The Joy that pictures bring is the Joy of definiteness; within the restraint of lines we see the particular with distinctness. Whatever the object I perceive whether it is a piece of stone, a donkey, a prickly shrub, or an old woman?I tell myself that I see it exactly as it is. Whenever I see a thing with exactness I touch the Infinite and feel delighted. (CTD. N Maitre 169) The ability to fuse the response to the beauties of external nature with a profoundly inward religious quest can also be seen in Hopkins. For example, on May, 1870 Hopkins recorded in his Journal: Oneida when the bluebells were in bloom I wrote the following. I do not think I Have ever seen anything more beautiful than the bluebell I have been looking at I know the tatty of our Lord by it. (199) Both the poets appreciated with a sense of wonder every object of nature in minute detail and at the same time saw in them a universal significance. In respect of poetic technique Ãâ°tagà ¨re is acknowledged as an innovator in prosodic measures. In the Introduction to The Oxford Ãâ°tagà ¨re Translation of Etageres Selected Poems Shanks Gosh discusses in some detail the poets experiments with traditional prosodic measures. He observes that Arbitrating proceeds from Balk (Flying Geese, 1916) onwards to break free of patterns and conventions and evolve the masturbated or ere-bound verse form. This consists of rhymed lines (usually couplets) of irregular length and varying prosody, often drawing on conversational rhythms. And finally in the interim in Lippie), he sets aside all constraints by using free verse to capture the authentic patterns of contemporary life. (29) Hopkins is regarded as the innovator of a new rhythm?Sprung rhythm. Talking about the use of new rhythm in The Wreck of the Deutsche Hopkins wrote to 541 Arbitrating Ãâ°tagà ¨re and Gerard Manley Hopkins: A Study in Poetic Affinities Dixon: l had long had haunting my ear the echo of a new rhythm which now I legalized on paper (Correspondence 14). And his rhythm, he himself said, was oratorical and his advice always was to read his poems not with the eyes but with the ears: My verse is less to be read than heard (Letters 46). What Hopkins wanted to point out was that the language of poetry should be energetic, forceful. Hopkins was thinking in a positive way about the shape or structure of the poetic medium and incidentally how it can achieve maximum stress or emphasis. Politically the two minds had something in common as far as their attitude to England as a colonial power was concerned. Both of them regretted and spoke against the unjust domination and oppression practiced by the British over countries like India and Ireland. Hopkins in a letter to Coventry Pattern wrote in 1886: I remark that those Englishmen who wish prosperity to the Empire (which is not all Englishmen or Britons, strange to say) speak of the Empires mission to extend freedom and civilization in India and elsewhere. No freedom you can give us is equal to the freedom of letting us alone: take yourselves out of India, let us first be free of you. Then there is civilization. It should have been Catholic truth. That is the great end of Empires before God, to be Catholic and draw nations into their Catholicism. But our Empire is less and less Christian as it grows. (Hopkins Poems and prose 182-83) Etageres attitude towards the British government was not much different from that of Hopkins. When in 1903 Lord Curran was trying to divide Bengal there was wide spread protest all over Bengal. Ãâ°tagà ¨re gave voice to the protest of his countrymen. Shanks Gosh observes: There was fierce resistance to the proposal, and Arbitrating became one of the Chief ideologues of that resistance. Through rallies, wrought the rakishness ceremony (tying the brotherly knot) that captured the popular imagination, through song after song, he strove to arouse the patriotism of his countrymen. (Gosh 37) In 1919 after the brutal massacre in Shillelaghs in Punjab Ãâ°tagà ¨re strongly condemned the incident and considered it a shame to use the Knighthood conferred Viceroy which was published in The Statesman, June 3, 1919, he wanted to be relieved of the honor. Never since Arbitrating used the title. Hopkins was a religious poet and Etageres appreciation, particularly in the west, was as a mystic poet. According to Sunlit Kumar Chatterer Ãâ°tagà ¨re was a mystic and devotional poet, who takes his place with the greatest seers, sages, and devotees of India and the world (21). Mansard Josh also opines that Ãâ°tagà ¨re was looked up to as an oriental sage, a seer, a prophet (40). Hopkins was ordained as a Jesuit priest in 1868 and for a time being he felt that he should not write poetry any more because the admiration and praise that he might enjoy 542 as a poet would be detrimental to his spiritual growth. So he decided not to write any more poems and there ensued a self enforced silence for seven years. He did not compose almost anything up to 1875. In a letter to R. W. Dixon Hopkins wrote in 1878: L meant that it [fame] is a great danger in itself, as dangerous as wealth every bit, I should think, and as hard to enter the kingdom of heaven with (Hopkins Poems and Prose 183). And it is almost the same view that Ãâ°tagà ¨re held as far as the reputation of a poet is concerned. Although he never allowed his poetic career to suffer a break like that of Hopkins we may, at this point, take note of Etageres view on this. In a letter, dated 20th September, 1921, written to E. J. Thompson, who was a professor of English at Banker Wesleyan Mission College, (presently known as Banker Christian College) Ãâ°tagà ¨re wrote: Reputation is the greatest bondage for an artist. I want to emancipate my mind from its grasp not only for the sake of my art, but for the higher purposes of life, for the dignity of soul. What an immense amount of unreality there is in literary reputation, and I am longing To come out of it as a saying, naked and aloof. (A Difficult Friendship 132-133) In a way Ãâ°tagà ¨re was a saying and he did achieve a kind of poetic nirvana in his mature life when praise or adverse criticism did not affect him. Ill A close look at a number of Hopkins poems shows that the treatment of nature is reminiscent of the romantic tradition, particularly the Keating tradition. The sensuous appreciation of nature and her objects, the pictorial details, the use of words for their sonorous effects?all these are features of romantic poetry. I would like to quote here the first couple of lines from a poem The Handover, by Hopkins. The poem was composed in 1877, the most prolific year in Hopkins poetic career, and talking about the poem in 1879 in a letter to Robert Bridges, Hopkins himself said that the poem was the best thing I ever wrote (85). The poem begins thus: I caught this morning mornings minion, kingdom of daylights dauphin, dappled- drawn falcon In his riding. The handover, as described by the poet in the above lines, is a feast for the eyes. Is multicultural and the falcon is attracted by the beauty of the morning. The compound dapple-dawn-drawn reminds one of Keats. Wallboard Davies, one of the editors of Hopkins, rightly points out that The bird is attracted by the dawn, certainly; but it is also pictorially drawn, being outlined vividly against the dawn light. And we suddenly realize that it is a poet who was also an artist (Hopkins Major moms 24). Side by side with such sensuous description of nature the reader is struck by the brilliant use of alliteration and consonant chiming in the poem. The repetition of the m and d sound in the first and second lines respectively create a sonorous effect. Side by side in the first line the inning endings create an effect of consonant chiming. In fact the word kingdom has been deliberately broken in the middle by the poet keeping king in the first line and taking doom to the second for creating a sonorous effect. Hopkins always wanted his poems to be read aloud.
Friday, November 22, 2019
75 Synonyms for Talk
75 Synonyms for Talk 75 Synonyms for ââ¬Å"Talkâ⬠75 Synonyms for ââ¬Å"Talkâ⬠By Mark Nichol Talk, talk, talk itââ¬â¢s all the same. Or is it? There are many ways to talk, and each has its own word (or words) for it. Hereââ¬â¢s a noncomprehensive roster of many synonyms for the noun and verb forms of talk (I had to stop somewhere): 1. Babble: enthusiastic or excessive talk, or meaningless sounds or nonsense words; to talk in this manner 2. Back talk: a disrespectful response; to respond disrespectfully 3. Backchat: see back talk, badinage, and gossip 4. Badinage: light, witty talk 5. Banter: see badinage, with a connotation of good-natured teasing or arguing; to engage in such talk 6. Barb: a hurtful and/or critical comment 7. Blandish: see cajole 8. Blandishments: see cajolery/cajolement 9. Blarney: nonsensical talk 10. Bluster: boastful or threatening talk; to speak boastfully or threateningly 11. Cackle: see chatter (verb only) 12. Cajole: to persuade with soothing or flattering remarks 13-14. Cajolery/cajolement: talk with the intent to persuade 15. Causerie: see chat (noun only) 16. Chaff: see badinage; also, to tease good-naturedly 17. Chat: an idle or inconsequential conversation; to engage in such talk 18. Chatter: quick, extensive, and/or aimless talk; to talk in such a manner 19. Chin music: see chat (noun only) 20. Chinwag: informal talking; to talk informally 21. Chitchat: see badinage 22. Circumlocution: evasive or verbose talk 23. Comment: an opinion or observation; to say something of this type 24. Confab: see chat (also, a formal meeting) 25. Confabulation: see chat and confab (also, something made up) 26. Confer: to exchange opinions or seek advice 27. Conference: a meeting, or an event consisting of presentations and/or meetings 28. Confess: to admit to a thought or action considered improper or shameful 29. Conversation: a talk between or among two or more people 30. Converse: to speak back and forth with one or more people 31. Crack: an uncomplimentary comment; also, to quickly say something, as when spontaneously telling a joke pertinent to a situation 32. Dig: see crack 33. Discuss: to engage in serious talk 34. Discussion: a serious talk 35. Dish: see gossip 36. Double-talk: intentionally confusing or ambiguous language, or talk that is at least partially meaningless; to engage in such talk 37. Fast-talk: to persuade or influence by deceptively authoritative and/or flattering speech 38. Flibbertigibbet: see gossip 39. Gab: see chatter 40. Gabfest: talking consisting of gab 41. Give-and-take: an exchange of ideas or comments 42. Gossip: see chat, with an additional connotation of talk or talking about the personal lives of one or more other people (also, someone who engages in such talk) 43. Jangle: see chat 44. Jaw: see chat 45. Jest: a humorous or mocking statement; to make such a statement 46. Natter: see chat 47. Negotiate: to talk in order to reach an agreement 48. Negotiation: a talk in which the speakers seek to reach an agreement 49. Palaver: a discussion or conference, especially one between unequal participants, or deceptive speech, or see chat; to talk idly, try to persuade or deceive, or come to terms 50. Parley: see confer, with the possible connotation of talk between antagonists to agree to terms to cease hostilities; to engage in such talk 51. Patter: quick or monotonous speech, as in delivering a humorous speech or in rote delivery of prayers; to speak in this manner 52. Pillow talk: romantic talk, such as would be engaged in while the speakers are in bed 53. Pleasantry: polite, inconsequential talk, or see banter and jest (nouns only) 54. Quip: a spontaneous observation or response; to say something of this type 55. Raillery: see banter and jest 56. Rap: see chat and patter 57-58. Recital/recitation: public delivery of read or memorized material, or of details or answers 59. Recite: to deliver read or memorized material, or details or answers 60. Remark: a statement of judgment or opinion, or a reference to something notable; to comment in this manner 61. Repartee: an exchange of clever, witty statements, a single such response, or skill in talking in this manner 62. Schmooze: see chat, with the connotation of one conducted so as to gain personal or professional advantage; to talk in this manner 63. Small talk: see badinage 64. Spit: to talk about things or opinions a listener disagrees with or disapproves of 65. Straight talk: frank, straightforward talk 66. Sweet nothings: flattering talk intended to charm a potential or existing romantic partner 67. Sweet talk: talk intended to persuade, or to endear oneself to the speaker; to engage in this kind of talk (the verb form is hyphenated) 68. Table talk: informal talking such as that heard during a dinner party 69. Tete-a-tete: an intimate or private talk 70. Waggery: see banter and jest 71. Wisecrack: a clever or sarcastic comment; to make such a comment 72. Wordplay: witty, playful talk 73. Yack: to talk at length 74. Yammer: to talk relentlessly, or to complain 75. Yap: excessive talk (also, slang for mouth) Iââ¬â¢ll follow up with a list of more elaborate idioms about talk and talking like ââ¬Å"shoot the breeze,â⬠but let me (and other site visitors) known which synonyms I missed. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:The Royal Order of Adjectives 7 Tips for Writing a Film ReviewDrama vs. Melodrama
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Write an analytical evaluation of Gary Nashs Race and Revolution Essay
Write an analytical evaluation of Gary Nashs Race and Revolution - Essay Example In Race and Revolution, Nash offers three essays on slavery during Revolutionary times. Instead of simply stating that slavery was horrible, then moving on to a different topic, Nash delves into the founding fathersââ¬â¢ dream of a democracy and the paradox of slavery. Every child in America is taught Thomas Jeffersonââ¬â¢s phrase ââ¬Ëlife, liberty and the pursuit of happinessââ¬â¢. As a child, I wondered how Jefferson can speak those words and still own slaves. During the revolutionary era, England and other European nations had colonies. However, these colonies, especially, America, did not see the similarity of a slaveââ¬â¢s position and their position in relation to their ruling country. Americans cried for freedom, but enslaved men. The situation was hypocritical, but ignored due to economic and cultural reasons. Nash explores this and other slave issues during the revolutionary times in his book. Another issue that Nash brings up in his book is the anti-slavery movement during this time. Economically, plantation owners would argue for slavery, but what about the rest of the Northern population? Plantation owners were not the majority during this time. The Abolitionist movement is mentioned in history prior to the Civil War, but Nash points out that the Abolitionist movement was around during Revolutionary times. The white Abolitionist movement was pushed into the background as the country moved toward separation from England, despite the black Abolitionists continuation of the fight against slavery. Nash argues that Northern States failed to push the issue, not the Southern States. Previously, historians have put the total blame on the Southern States, but Nash holds the Northern States just as liable for the continuation of slavery. He argues that Northern leaders did not want to compensate Southern slave owners. They were also not willing to accept slaves into their societies. Even when free blacks begin appearing in the Northern
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Research Methods CASE1 Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Methods CASE1 - Research Paper Example Qualitative research involves exploring phenomena from an inside point of view, and it provides to the researcher a complex comprehension about the subject in study ( (Rubinstein, 2010). Quantitative research involves studying the behavior of phenomena under controlled conditions that, acquiring quantitative data on the basis of accurate dimensions and generalizable findings (Johnson & Christensen, 2011). Mixed research involves the mixing of both quantitative and qualitative research paradigms. Action research involves observation and collecting of data that will help the researcher to come up solutions of solving indigenous problems (Johnson & Christensen, 2011). The strength of quantitative research is that, it is beneficial when studying a narrow number of subjects deeply as it gives a complex description of phenomena. Qualitative research assists quantitative research. Quantitative research on its own has the advantage that, it can be independently used for studying a large numb er of phenomena as it has some quantitative methods of collecting data that are comparatively quick (Ndunda, 2004). Being a combination of both qualitative and quantitative techniques is itself strength of the mixed research and hence it can be used for studying a large number of phenomena. Mixed research provides precise, quantitative and numerical data. The advantage of action research is that it involves practitioners who develop their own theories from their own practice gained. Experimental research can be used in a classroom situation, specifically, in grade eight to find out whether discussion groups help in an individualââ¬â¢s academic performance. Here, students are organized in two groups. The first group of students is made to study individually while, the students in the second group are further sub-divided into study-groups of four. After two weeks of study, the two groups are to be given an individual self-test from which the performance of the students
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Dutton Donald G. Rethinking Domestic Violence Essay Example for Free
Dutton Donald G. Rethinking Domestic Violence Essay Dutton, Donald G. Rethinking Domestic Violence Introduction à à à à à à à à à à à This book was written by Dutton about domestic violence. It gave us the history about assault on spouses. Dutton talks of two major social phenomena that emerged in North American and the Western countries in Europe. Rights of women were acknowledged by everyone after long and tedious struggle of women to get recognized. It goes further to state the measures and incidences of violence including theories concerning women assault. à à à à à à à à à à à This book is very important for it teaches about recognizing one another especially those who have the violent personalities. It is good for the society for it educates one to accept others rights and difference between marriage duties and rights. This book shows us that we can eliminate all odds in our society and try make each and every person feel that he or she belongs to the society fully without any intimidation and discrimination. à à à à à à à à à à à Duttonââ¬â¢s ideas can be used to help those who have the abusive personality by encouraging them to attend psychiatristââ¬â¢s teachings. It can be used to educate spouses in marriage so that they will evade future marriage problems. Also, in the current globalized world, the ideas in this book can help us socialize and live together in peace and harmony especially in a domestic set up. This book can help people who are married in other cultures to harmonize or leave those cultures and then live with the acceptance and respect of each otherââ¬â¢s rights. à à à à à à à à à à à Weiss, Elaine. Surviving Domestic Violence: Voices of Women Who Broke Free. Volcano: Volcano Press,à 2004. Print. à à à à à à à à à à à In this book, Surviving Domestic Violence, Elaine wrote about several stories of women who had been subjected to domestic violence. She got these stories by interviewing and later writing them down. It talks of what each one of them went through and how they later managed to escape it. It gives reasons as to why such incidences were happening. After getting out, the women took a very long time to recover the psychological and wounds they got due to thisviolence but some were yet to fully recover for the ordeal they had gone through had impacted negatively on their lives. Those who managed to deal with stress after coming out said that they felt stronger than ever. à à à à à à à à à à à The different stories taught in this book are the true causes and effects of domestic related violence. They bring about what one goes through and how one feels while undergoing the violence. Also, it helps to understand what to do when such incidences happen. It also shows its effects and how they change oneââ¬â¢s life therefore targeting those who abuse their partners. This book is a very ideal example as it shows us that those who have already freed themselves from the marital abuses can educate others like the youth and couples about domestic violence so that they refrain from it à à à à à à à à à à à The stories are very encouraging for they give the people motivation to solve their problems and also how one can escape this. They can be used by those specialists in parental guidance and counselling to help them shape their marriage when such incidences are reported to them and even before couples get married. The ideas in this book can enable those undergoing abuses to get out and look for a better marriage partner. One only needs to accept that he or she is undergoing domestic violence and therefore if it cannot be solved, one can boldly walk away and start life afresh. Marriage is not slavery but itââ¬â¢s a path towards achieving your goals in life as one needs a partner who is willing to assist where possible so that they make all their dreams in life to happen. à à à à à à à à à à à Abused Men: The Hidden Side of Domestic Violence Cook, Philip W. Abused Men: The Hidden Side of Domestic Violence. Westport: Praeger,à 2009. Print. à à à à à à à à à à à Phillip exposes how men goes through domestic violence silently. He talks of how real it is that men are going through domestic violence without the society suspecting. He brings several stories of men who have been undergoing through such violence from their wives for a long time. Then he goes further to give tips that can help one to find freedom from any form of abuse. Then he addresses resistance and acceptance for those who are abusing their spouses and how they come to realize that each and every person deserves to be respected. He also talks of new great approaches that can be used to reduce domestic violence. He then gives survey statistics of domestic violence in Canada. It also talks about how the relationship changes between the offenders to their victims. à à à à à à à à à à à The story is helpful in realizing what some men go through. It gives statistics of domestic violence that people are not ready to talk about. The society is helped to recognize men who are undergoing domestic abuses from their spouses. It is helpful because statistics help people to know how long they have been living with their friends undergoing abuses without even realizing it. It talks of acceptance which can help those who are yet to accept their spouse the way he or she is. It is helpful for it shows how much men can be subjected to torture with use of dangerous tools such as knives, machetes and any other type of a life-threatening tool or machine so that one can force their partner to follow oneââ¬â¢s commands. à à à à à à à à à à à Philipââ¬â¢s ideas can be used to know the men who are undergoing abuses experienced from their wives and enable us to help them come out of the problem. Also, it encourages courage especially those who are not courageous enough to come out and tell their ordeal to the society. This book can help men to free themselves away from any form of abuse and intimidation from their partners. This book is very important as it can be used to tell the extent in which men undergo violence in real life situations. Men can also use this book to help them evade any other form of domestic violence against them and therefore reducing the number of men who die as a result of domestic violence. à à à à à à à à à à à Howard, Louise, Louise Howard, Gene Feder, and Roxane Agnew-Davies. Domestic Violence and Mental Health. London: RCPsych Publications,à 2013. Print. à à à à à à à à à à à This book has been written collectively by different authors who specialize in domestic violence ideas. It talks about prevalence and physical health impacts of domestic violence. It talks about types of abuses in marriage such as physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological abuse and coercive control and also it questions them and gives clues on how they are brought about and their solution. It also talks of effects of the personââ¬â¢s psychology which is deeply affected even in the future that may not get them out of his mind. It stresses on survival strategies to evade such abuses and also how one can control oneââ¬â¢s mind to avoid damaging his or her psychology. This book also gives the kinds of interventions and responses people can take after or when you suspect any form of violence. Advices from professionals on domestic violence are also written down. à à à à à à à à à à à This book has directives on what causes mental problems after abuse. It also gives us ways on how to control ourselves and maintain a state of calmness so as not disturb our stressed mind. It educates us on different forms of domestic violence. It is an important text for it has pieces of advice on domestic violence from professionalsââ¬â¢ point of view. à à à à à à à à à à à The story in this book can help us to evade mental problems due to domestic abuses and can be used by psychiatrists to know what causes a certain mental disorder and they can use the ideas here to enable their clients who are undergoing this problem to get out of it. It can also be used to educate couples so that when they are not in good terms to try to their best solve the problem before it gets out of hand. The advices written in this book can also be used in the same way to advice people especially those undergoing domestic violence depending on the root cause and the kind of violence. à à à à à à à à à à à Kubany, Edward S, Mari A. McCaig, and Janet R. Laconsay. Healing the Trauma of Domestic Violence: A Workbook for Women. Oakland: New Harbinger à à à à à à à à à à à This book is directed to those who have been freed from domestic violence and especially women. Due to violent domestic situations, one may develop post-traumatic stress disorders which are not easy to get out of oneââ¬â¢s mind and can negatively affect that person. It is aimed at giving programs known as cognitive trauma therapy which one undergoes to help him or her come back to normal. It gives the techniques one can use them to help himself or herself by identifying any form of trauma and distress one has that can enable one to deal with it to help control and change his or her life . à à à à à à à à à à à This book is targeting those who have been affected by domestic violence so that they come back to normal. It is an educational tool for the society to understand the devastating effects of wife battering. Therefore it makes us to even identify those who are going through post-traumatic stress. It contains technics and procedures one can follow so that they make him deal any results brought by domestic violence. It is also helpful as it helps chase out any fears one has due to what they went through during that horrifying period of domestic violence. à à à à à à à à à à à Psychiatrists can use this book to help traumatized people come back to normal. The ideas here can help us to even identify those going through stress in their marriage so that they are helped before itââ¬â¢s too late. This book can be used also by the parents who are not in good terms to read and understand what one may go through if such incidences happen. The techniques in this book about dealing with trauma after violence can be used by psychiatrists to help clients who underwent this so that they identify what they are in trauma of and this can help them to accordingly better their lives. It can also be used individually as one can remember well what went wrong in that marriage and help better their lives. References Cook, Philip W. Abused Men: The Hidden Side of Domestic Violence. Westport: Praeger,à 2009. Print. Dutton, Donald G. Rethinking Domestic Violence. Vancouver: UBC Press,à 2006. Print. Howard, Louise, Louise Howard, Gene Feder, and Roxane Agnew-Davies. Domestic Violence and Mental Health. London: RCPsych Publications,à 2013. Print. Kubany, Edward S, Mari A. McCaig, and Janet R. Laconsay. Healing the Trauma of Domestic Violence: A Workbook for Women. Oakland: New Harbinger Weiss, Elaine. Surviving Domestic Violence: Voices of Women Who Broke Free. Volcano: Volcano Press,à 2004. Print. Source document
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Impact of the Great Depression on the Characters in Tillie Olsenââ¬â¢s nove
Impact of the Great Depression on the Characters in Tillie Olsenââ¬â¢s novel Yonnondio: From the Thirties The Great Depression of the 1930ââ¬â¢s, which has been called the ââ¬Å"invisible scar, the absent presence,â⬠continues to impact American culture (Rabinowitz 17). The devastating effect of failed businesses, the dust bowl, farm foreclosures, and an unemployment rate of 30 percent reminds us that capitalism is fallible. Although we recall with humility this bleak period of our history, we seldom reflect on the plight of the Depressionââ¬â¢s most vulnerable victims--the underpaid, uneducated working poor. In Yonnondio: From the Thirties, Tillie Olsen gives readers a searing personal account of a family struggling to escape, or at least manage, abject poverty. Their journey from a Wyoming mining town to a farm in South Dakota to a slaughterhouse in Omaha presents one disaster after another for the Holbrook family. Because of this cycle, they represent thousands of unsung heroes who struggled to survive and maintain a family unit during difficult times. Although the novel depicts the familyââ¬â¢s struggle as a unit, three members emerge as the main characters. Trapped by lack of opportunity and a faltering self-image, Jim Holbrook works under subhuman conditions to provide for his family. His struggle demonstrates how patriarchal culture oppresses both men and women into ascribed roles based on impossible ideals. Anna, his wife, holds the family together with the meager resources brought in by her husband, who devalues her role because she is a woman and earns no money. As a result of this oppression, she grapples with her own identity, as motherhood and domestic responsibility limit her opportunities for personal fulfillment an... ...ieb, Annie. ââ¬Å"A Writerââ¬â¢s Sounds and Silences.â⬠The New York Times Book Review 31 March 1974: 5. Faulkner, Mara. Protest and Possibility in the Writings of Tillie Olsen. Charlottesville: University of Virginia, 1993. James, Elizabeth. ââ¬Å"Written, They Reappear: Rereading Yonnondio.â⬠Frontiers 18.3 (1997):141-45. Macpherson, Heidi Slettedahl. ââ¬Å"Class-ifying Escape: Tillie Olsenââ¬â¢s Yonnondio.â⬠Studies In Contemporary Fiction 41.3 (2000): 263. Orr, Elaine. ââ¬Å"On the Side of the Mother: Yonnondio and Call It Sleep.â⬠Studies in American Fiction 21.2 (1993): 209-15. Rabinowitz, Paula. Labor and Desire: Womenââ¬â¢s Revolutionary Fiction in Depression America. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1991. Tyson, Lois. ââ¬Å"Feminist Criticism.â⬠Critical Theory Today: A User Friendly Guide. New York: Garland Publishing, 1999. 117-152.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Middle Range Theory Essay
Middle-range theory, developed by Robert K. Merton, is an approach to sociological theorizing aimed at integrating theory and empirical research. It is currently the de facto dominant approach to sociological theory construction,[1] especially in the United States. Middle-range theory starts with an empirical phenomenon (as opposed to a broad abstract entity like the social system) and abstracts from it to create general statements that can be verified by data.[2] This approach stands in contrast to the earlier ââ¬Å"grandâ⬠theorizing of social theory, such as functionalism and many conflict theories. Raymond Boudon has argued that ââ¬Å"middle-range theoryâ⬠is the same concept that most other sciences simply call ââ¬Ëtheoryââ¬â¢.[3] The analytical sociology movement has as its aim the unification of such theories into a coherent paradigm at a greater level of abstraction. The midrange approach was developed by Robert Merton as a departure from the general social theorizing of Talcott Parsons. Merton agreed with Parsons that a narrow empiricism consisting entirely of simple statistical or observational regularities cannot arrive at successful theory. However, he found that Parsonsââ¬â¢ ââ¬Å"formulations were remote from providing a problematics and a direction for theory-oriented empirical inquiry into the observable worlds of culture and societyâ⬠.[4] He was thus directly opposed to the abstract theorizing of scholars who are engaged in the attempt to construct a total theoretical system covering all aspects of social life. With the introduction of the middle range theory program, he advocated that sociologists should concentrate on measurable aspects of social reality that can be studied as separate social phenomena, rather than attempting to explain the entire social world. He saw both the middle-range theory approach and middle-range theories themselves as temporary: when they matured, as natural sciences already had, the body of middle range theories would b ecome a system of universal laws; but, until that time, social sciences should avoid trying to create a universal theory.[5] Mertonââ¬â¢s original foil in the construction was Talcott Parsons, whose action theory Merton classified as a ââ¬Å"grand theoryâ⬠. (Parsons vehemently rejected this categorization.) Middle range theories are normally constructed by applying theory building techniques to empirical research, which produce generic propositions about the social world, which in turn can also be empirically tested. Examples of middle range theories are theories of reference groups,à social mobility, normalization processes, role conflict and the formation of social norms.[3] The middle-range approach has played a key role in turning sociology into an increasingly empirically-oriented discipline.[6] This was also important in post-war thought. In the post-war period, middle-range theory became the dominant approach to theory construction in all variable-based social sciences.[5] Middle range theory has also been applied to the archaeological realm by Lewis R. Binford, and to financial theory by Harvard Business School Professor Robert C. Merton,[7][8] Robert K. Mertonââ¬â¢s son. In the recent decades, the analytical sociology program has emerged as an attempt synthesizing middle-range theories into a more coherent abstract framework (as Merton had hoped would eventually happen). Peter Hedstrom at Oxford is the scholar most associated with this approach,[9] while Peter Bearman is its most prominent American advocate. Middle Range Theory (Final) MRT approach was developed by R K Merton in contrast to abstract theorizing of total system in all aspect of social life by scholars particularly Talcott Parson. Hence it opposed the grand theorizing of social theory like functionalism, conflict theories etc. MRT is an approach to sociological theorizing that integrates Theory and Empirical research. They are constructed by applying theory building techniques to empirical data. These produce general statement about the social phenomenon under study which can be this verified by data. Examples: theories of reference groups; Social mobility; role conflict etc. However he agreed with Talcott Parson that narrow empiricism cannot arrive at successful theory. He saw MRT approach and theories as temporary that would become a system of universal laws on maturity, so before that he says that social science should avoid trying to create a Universal Theory. Currently MRT approach has become a dominant approach to Sociological theory construction and has been applied to other fields like archaeology, finance etc. as of now analytical sociology program is attempting to unify MRTs into coherent abstract framework as hoped by Merton.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Sizes of the areas also differ
One of the few places on earth that has continued to fascinate people for centuries is the Bermuda Triangle. The Devilââ¬â¢s Triangle Vincent Gaddis, credited with putting the triangle ââ¬Å"on the mapâ⬠in a 1964 Argosy feature, described the triangle as extending from Florida to Bermuda, southwest to Puerto Rico and back to Florida through the Bahamas; while another author puts the apexes of the triangle somewhere in Virginia, on the western coast of Bermuda and around Cuba, Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico (Rosenberg, 1974).Sizes of the areas also differ, with descriptions ranging from 500,000 to 1. 5 million square miles. The geography of the area is perplexing. The humid subtropical climate of the region brings it an annual heavy rainfall in excess of 60 inches (152 cm). Dangerous hurricanes and harsh thunderstorms occasionally drop 10 inches of rain within hours. The floor area of the region has also not been totally mapped out because it varies greatly in depth. The Florida coastline is shallow but farther off, the ground just sink to depths of thousands of feet.About 100 miles north of Puerto Rico is the deepest part of the Atlantic, the Puerto Rico Trench, estimated at 30,000 feet deep while the Florida Straits within this area are approximately 5000 feet deep (ââ¬Å"Bermuda Triangleâ⬠). Mysteries in the Bermuda Christopher Columbus ââ¬â in his journals, he recounts a bizarre experience when his ship ran into the Sargasso Sea. He could see no land in sight for miles and his compass acted strangely. He saw a big meteoric ball fall from the sky before Columbus and his crew saw dancing lights in the horizon.They wandered about in the Carribbean for over a week yet before finally sighting land (ââ¬Å"Bermuda Triangleâ⬠). 1974 ââ¬â Charles Berlitz wrote the book, The Bermuda Triangle. It sold more than 18 million copies and translated into 30 languages. The publication was followed by a documentary by Richard Winer (Hagen, 200 4). The more popular incidents include the following (ââ¬Å"Startling New Secretsâ⬠): ? March 6, 1918, the USS Cyclops, a huge collier used to carry coal to facilitate US Navy operations during World War I, with a crew of 306, disappeared en route from Barbados to Virginia.? January 30, 1921, a cargo schooner, the Carroll Deering, was found adrift at Diamond Shoals near North Carolina without a sign of its crew. ? December 5, 1945, five US Navy bombers on a training exercise became disoriented and then disappeared. Search-and-rescue (SAR) operations were unsuccessful, and one of the SAR vessels, a Mariner aircraft, also vanished. ? January 30, 1948, the Star Tiger, a four-engined Tudor IV with 31 people on board vanished on a flight to Bermuda from the Azores.? January 17, 1949, the Star Ariel, another Tudor IV would vanish on the same region with 19 passengers on board. ? October 30, 1954, Flight 441, a U. S. Navy R7V-1 (the military version of a Lockheed Super Constellation) crewed by 42 sailors, disappeared between Patuxent River NAS and Lajes, Azores ? February 3, 1963, the SS Marine Sulphur Queen, vanished en route to Virginia from Texas with a crew of 39, shortly after it radioed its position near Key West, Florida. Three days after, a lifeboat from the tanker was found by Coast Guard searchers but no bodies or wreckage was recovered.? December 22, 1967. A cabin cruiser with the ironic name of Witchcraft disappeared off the Miami coast. These coincidences only fascinated the people even more. Theories Behind the Mysteries Countless theories have been proposed to explain the numerous disappearances that occur in this area (ââ¬Å"The Bermuda Triangleâ⬠). ? The Bermuda Triangle is one of the two places on earth that a magnetic ompass point towards true north, a variation of as much as 20 degrees toward the magnetic north.The navigator who does not realize this would find himself in deep trouble. ? The character of the Gulf Stream flowing through the area is swift and turbulent and can quickly erase any evidence of a disaster. ? Dr. Ben Clennell of Leeds University in England theorizes that the high concentration of methane hydrates below the seabed oftentimes escape during events of landslides making any ship floating above sink. ? The Triangle is a portal to another dimension and it opens at certain time intervals
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Definition and Examples of Indeterminacy in Language
Definition and Examples of Indeterminacy in Language In linguisticsà and literary studies, the term indeterminacy refers toà the instability of meaning, the uncertainty of reference, and the variations in interpretations of grammatical forms and categoriesà in anyà natural language. As David A. Swinney has observed, Indeterminacy exists at essentially every descriptive level of word, sentence, and discourse analysis (Understanding Word and Sentence, 1991). Examples and Observations A basic reason for linguistic indeterminacy is the fact that language is not a logical product, but originates from the conventional practice of individuals, which depends on the particular context of the terms used by them. (Gerhard Hafner, Subsequent Agreements and Practice. Treaties and Subsequent Practice, ed. by Georg Nolte. Oxford University Press, 2013) Indeterminacy in Grammar Clear-cut grammatical categories, rules, etc. are not always attainable, since the system of grammar is arguably subject to gradience. The same considerations apply to the notions of correct and incorrect usage since there are areas where native speakers disagree as to what is grammatically acceptable. Indeterminacy is, therefore, a feature of grammar and usage. Grammarians also speak of indeterminacy in cases where two grammatical analyses of a particular structure are plausible. (Bas Aarts, Sylvia Chalker, and Edmund Weiner, The Oxford Dictionary of English Grammar, 2nd ed. Oxford University Press, 2014) Determinacy and Indeterminacy An assumption usually made in syntactic theory and description is that particular elements combine with one another in very specific and determinate ways. . . . This supposed property, that it is possible to give a definite and precise specification of the elements connected to one another and how they are connected, will be referred to as determinacy. The doctrine of determinacy belongs to a broader conception of language, mind, and meaning, which holds that language is a separate mental module, that syntax is autonomous, and that semantics is well-delimited and fully compositional. This broader conception is not however well-founded. Over the last few decades, research in cognitive linguistics has demonstrated that grammar is not autonomous from semantics, that semantics is neither well-delimited nor fully compositional, and that language draws on more general cognitive systems and mental capacities from which it cannot be neatly separated. . . . I suggest that the usual situation is not one of determinacy, but rather indeterminacy (Langacker 1998a). Precise, determinate connections between specific elements represent a special and perhaps unusual case. It is more common for there to be some vagueness or indeterminacy in regard to either the elements participating in grammatical relationships or the specific nature of their connection. Otherwise stated, grammar is basically metonymic, in that the information explicitly coded linguistically does not itself establish the precise connections apprehended by the speaker and hearer in using an expression. (Ronald W. Langacker, Investigations in Cognitive Grammar. Mouton de Gruyter, 2009) Indeterminacy and Ambiguity Indeterminacy refers to . . . the capacity . . . of certain elements to be notionally related to other elements in more than one way . . .. Ambiguity, on the other hand, refers to the failure of an increment to make a distinction which is crucial to the discharge of the speakers present obligations. . . . But if ambiguity is rare, indeterminacy is an all-pervading feature of speech, and one which users are quite accustomed to living with. We might even argue that it is an indispensable feature of verbal communication, allowing for an economy without which language would be impossibly unwieldy. Let us examine two illustrations of this. The first comes from the conversation that was attributed to the friend and the old lady immediately after the latter had asked for a lift: Where does your daughter live? She lives near the Rose and Crown. Here, the reply is obviously indeterminate, as there are any number of public houses of that name, and often more than one in the same town. It creates no problems for the friend, however, because many other factors than the label, including, no doubt, her knowledge of the locality, are taken into account in identifying the place referred to. Had it been a problem, she could have asked: Which Rose and Crown? The everyday use of personal names, some of which may be shared by several acquaintances of both participants, but which are nevertheless usually sufficient to identify the intended individual, provide a similar way indeterminacy is ignored in practice. It is worth noting in passing that, were it not for users tolerance of indeterminacy, every pub and every person would have to be uniquely named! (David Brazil, A Grammar of Speech. Oxford University Press, 1995) Indeterminacy and Optionality [W]hat appears to be indeterminacy may actually reflect optionality in the grammar, i.e., a representation that allows multiple surface realizations of a single construction, such as the choice of relatives in Theres the boy (that/whom/0) Mary likes. In L2A, a learner who accepts John *seeked Fred at Time 1, then John sought Fred at Time 2, might be inconsistent not because of indeterminacy in the grammar, but because the grammar permits both forms optionally. (Observe that optionality in this instance would reflect a grammar that diverges from the English target grammar.) (David Birdsong, Second Language Acquisition and Ultimate Attainment. Handbook of Applied Linguistics, ed. by Alan Davies and Catherine Elder. Blackwell, 2004)
Monday, November 4, 2019
Dell Corporation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Dell Corporation - Essay Example However the company needs to take action fast. The main business is generated from PC sales. Most of Dellââ¬â¢s revenue stream is generated from sales of personal computers. The global economic downturn is having the greatest effect on PC sales as companies are reducing their spending on personal computers. Their spending may be going up in other product categories, but investments in PC are being reduced industry-wide. Because Dellââ¬â¢s main business is in PC sales, it is a strategic imperative for the company to craft a new strategic direction. The company does have diverse product offerings but the most important part of its resource base is dedicated to manufacturing personal computers such as desktops and laptops. Dellââ¬â¢s main competitors are HP, Acer and Apple. Dell faces rising competitive threat from these companies because they have invested in a wide variety of products and services. For example, Apple is generating profitability at the same level despite the e conomic downturn. This is because Apple maintains diverse product offerings based upon continuous innovation. HP is diversifying into service business. Because the western market is saturated, Dell has to focus on the fast growing markets of China and India. However in China Dell faces a major competitive threat from Lenovo. Therefore Dell Inc. ... Therefore the company has a skill in retaining large corporate accounts which will enable the company to face the competitive rivalry from HP. Dell also has core competencies in transferring knowledge across divisions in order to facilitate the highest level of quality in all the product categories. The company has shown great success in product diversification. These capabilities and resources form the core competencies of Dell Inc. The companyââ¬â¢s strength is in the market leadership position that it holds in the industry with a loyal customer base of large commercial and institutional investors. The company has also been successful in diversifying into additional product categories. The companyââ¬â¢s weakness may be its over-reliance upon PC sales which are being affected by the economic downturn. The opportunity is provided by the large corporate accounts which will enable the company to invest in additional product and service categories to strengthen the revenue base. T he threat is the rising level of competitive rivalry in the industry. Although Dell might reduce the competitive threat to some extent by expanding to growing markets these markets also have their share of competitors, two examples being Acer and Lenovo. Dell is customizing its products by providing value-added services in the enterprise market. This market has been growing steadily because corporate customers are looking for ways to cut IT costs. Therefore, by customizing its products for the enterprise market, Dell will be able to make up for the loss of revenue from decreasing PC sales. However the disadvantage is the possibility of over-diversification. In that case the company might lose money in areas which are not its
Saturday, November 2, 2019
With reference to your own research, do you think that the ability of Essay
With reference to your own research, do you think that the ability of a business to act successfully in a socially responsible manner is mainly determined by the products it produces - Essay Example The concept of CRS rose in the 1960ââ¬â¢s after World War II (Carroll & Shabana 2010, p. 86). The primary cause of increased concern in the CSR concept is due to consumer concern social behavior of firms. The concept of CSR has faced both favors and objection. The main objection of CSR is that the primary concern of a business is to improve the profit of its stakeholders. Social issues are the interest of the government and corporations ought not to be involved. Business is also thought not to be capable of handling social issues. According to Carroll & Shabana (2010, p. 87), business has acquired enough power and the social power should not be entrusted to it. Embracing CSR concept in businesses will reduce the national competitiveness both at local and global level. On the other hand, CSR concept has been accredited as the source of business success in various ways. First, CSR determines business viability that consequently determines its future operations and success. CSR concept is also believed to offer a platform to enable business institutions to shun influence and regulation by the government. According to Carroll & Shabana (2010, p. 88), use of CSR will help business to anticipate and initiate social events. Such pro-action is less costly than reacting to than responding to social problems encountered. The significant influence of a product to business performance lies in customer awareness. Products highly affect customerââ¬â¢s top of mind awareness that, consequently affect their loyalty. Top of mind awareness depends on customerââ¬â¢s perception of the ethical values of a firmââ¬â¢s product and services. In determining the relationship between product and business performance, this paper explains the corporate social organization and its outcome of different companies. However, business success in penetrating the market is mainly affected by its quality, price and convenience (Vogel
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